Vivian Woodward
i think you have to allow people to vent. Many people see the good things that Levy has done what with the training ground and hopefully now with the stadium, but he is not a perfect human being and he has made mistakes during his reign too. Some of his managerial choices have been wrong, managers have complained about not getting key players they wanted, its frustrating to everyone how many deals are left to the last minute of a transfer window.
Levy is very well paid at Spurs, he owns enough shares to handsomely profit when ENIC decide to walk away, i really think any criticisms levelled at him from fans on the internet dont bother him at all. He does things his own way, he knows the truth about all the deals in and out, so he simply gets on with his job. This is a forum, like many others where its easy for fans to have a go. It is harmless anyway, just genuine frustration, and Levy is an easy target but like i said i think he is able to handle it.
I do not disagree with a lot of that, of course he is not perfect ( never met anyone who is) and of course he has made mistakes ( again I have never met anyone who has not, in any field). And I agree if he has any sense ( and I am sure he has) he probably does not care what a FEW moaning fans who always have to blame someone for everything say about him.
Its usually the same fans who no matter what he does he is always to blame, its like listening to a broken record. You right he sacks too many managers but so do most teams and I have always said that unless we give a manager more then a couple of years we will forever ride the bloody roundabout in circles. I hope he has come to that conclusion and by the looks of it he is willing to give Poch time to build something.
But guess what, if Poch does not get us any progress this season the same fans who slag Levy off will be screaming for Pochs head, we never learn.