I had insomnia pretty badly for about two years, tried herbal sleeping stuff which never helped at all. Got put on Zopiclone which helped me get to sleep but I soon found out that if I wanted to wake up at 6 I'd have to go to sleep at 6 in the evening! they made me sleep way to long and when I ran out the withdrawl was bloody horrible. Some of the guys have mtneioned about those sleep tapes, they work quite well too but if your ever still awake at the end of a two hour one then it is very disheartning!
What worked for me was a combination of things. Firstly only use your bedroom for sex and sleep! Apparently if you use it for other things like watching tv or doing work your mind starts to associate it with performing activites rather than getting some sleep. Maybe you could even have a designated sex room? Mind you, Chich probably has one and calls it the dungeon.
Also not smoking within two hours of going to sleep was a big help. Some nights I'd lie awake and have a cigarette every half hour. The nicotine stimulates more than you'd think and was causing me quote a few problems in hindsight. Thirdly keep your smart phone out of the bedroom if you keep picking it up to look at it like I did.
Lastly slow gently slow your breathing down when your about to go to sleep. I take deep slow breaths and it almost feels like when the hospital give you those anasthetic masks to make you fall asleep before they cut your body open.
Hope you start sleeping better mate, it's a pain going through every day exhuasted and still not being able to sleep at night!