The bookies know best - they disagree with you.Can see this being a yes to be honest despite what these yougov polls suggested
Can see this being a yes to be honest despite what these yougov polls suggested
Tories in 2010 = 410,00
SNP in 2010 = 480,00
just because the Tories are spread out in Scotland and don't feature largely enough in more than one constituency doesn't make them extinct.
Also Scottish labour seats have had an impact overall for less then 2 years since 1950 when they got Labour over the line in 1972. every other Labour Govt since the war would have won on rUK votes anyway.
Those were the figures I was trying to find the other day, really shocked about them because I always thought Scotland was massive anti tory but they did alright really when you look at the figures. To be just 70,000 short of the SNP is shocking really.
If I lived in Scotland I'd probably want to live where all the Tories live too.
It would only be an issue under a Labour majority - essentially their post by which they must be first past would be 12? seats higher than the others.Ha, ha. :ross:
Have just heard that there might be a chance that down the track there could be a proposal for Scots, Welsh and Nth Ireland MPs only being able to vote In Westminster on regional issues. Don't see how this could work re the convention that a government must be able to command a stabile majority. Under this scenario, a government might be able to form a majority on some issues, but not on others. Un-workable in my view.
Wooooooohoooooo the Union is saved! Unassailable lead.
BBC News: With 31 out of the country's 32 council areas having declared after Thursday's vote, the 'No' side has an unassailable lead of 1,914,187 votes to 1,539,920.
This union, this great country, which has stood for more than 300 years whilst being the biggest change to mankind in 6000 years (industrial revolution) lives to fight another day. One very happy patriot, always seen myself to be British more than English.
Hopefully now we can see some federalism if not then at least a return to the Victorian model of towns/cities having greater powers.
Well they'll have to come up with something, can hardly hand over all these powers to Scotland, as promised, but leave the West Lothian question as is, why would the English settle for that? Wales and NI will, rightly, want what Scotland gets too. My only worry is they've set themselves this timetable, or Gordon has, so they'll probably rush it through and balls it up.Ha, ha. :ross:
Have just heard that there might be a chance that down the track there could be a proposal for Scots, Welsh and Nth Ireland MPs not being able to vote In Westminster on English issues. Don't see how this could work re the convention that a government must be able to command a stabile majority. Under this scenario, a government might be able to form a majority on some issues, such as foreign affairs and defence, but not on others. Un-workable in my view.
Ha, ha. :ross:
Have just heard that there might be a chance that down the track there could be a proposal for Scots, Welsh and Nth Ireland MPs not being able to vote In Westminster on English issues. Don't see how this could work re the convention that a government must be able to command a stabile majority. Under this scenario, a government might be able to form a majority on some issues, such as foreign affairs and defence, but not on others. Un-workable in my view.
They're going to have to do something, as I'm fed up already of the Scots and Welsh and other moaning minorities dictating to us.
We have to put up with Scottish socialist tool boxes like George Galloway telling us English how to behave and what to do.
We don't have any say what goes on in Scotland and Wales and N. Ireland and to see Scotland hold the rest of the UK to randsom recently and fill the news with all the subsequent c*** winds me up.
We need a federal England with devolved powers to regional authorities and a greater balance of power. It annoys me that of the wealth generated by the country so much of it is centralised around London & the S. East. They give hand-outs to Scotland, Wales & N. Ireland to keep the rebellious celts happy but bypass the north of England which can rot as far as everyone else appears to be concerned.
They should stop pandering to Scotland and start looking closer to home, otherwise things will start to turn ugly as the rise of UKIP demonstrates.
You think the Union is stronger after today? Far from it as far as I'm concerned.
The reality of the situation is the reverse. Scots only return 50 MPS and are swamped by English members and they are sick of Englishmen telling them what to do. Tory toolboxes at present.