Kim Kardashian would be one. Has done absolutely nothing of value in her life and people keep throwing their money at her.
I really despise all these so called "celebrities" that have never actually achieved anything other than whoring themselves in the media.
Yeah right, makes sense not to vote for someone who pulled the country out of the brick, hauled it up by its bootstraps, made it run right and re-establish itself in the world community - only to watch a succession of misbegotten politicians shove it back in the crapper.
Good call.
I think Thatcher is/was a c unt.
But then I would, I'm from a working class background, the very people who missed out on the ride.
Yeah, let's sell off all the council houses, everyone will have an investment, and a promising future - until there are no council houses left for the poor, and the whole county is up to it's eyeball in debt.
That worked out well didn't it?
It's the 'I'm alright Jack' ideal.
I'll be joining the Jocks and the Taffs in blowing up the balloons when she starts her journey to hell.
Why should people get free houses anyway
The biggest myth that Capitalism has to offer. Make the have-not's (me) believe they are have's.
Lethal Bizzle & Frimpong
Perhaps you can explain why it is that you, have-not?
Were you born in Ethiopia?
Are you disabled perhaps?
Do you care for sick people at home, and have little time to work?
There are plenty of Tory voters on here that grew up council estates, but worked hard at school to better their lot.
Just trying to understand what it is that prevents others from doing the same.......
Perhaps you can explain why it is that you, have-not?
Were you born in Ethiopia?
Are you disabled perhaps?
Do you care for sick people at home, and have little time to work?
There are plenty of Tory voters on here that grew up council estates, but worked hard at school to better their lot.
Just trying to understand what it is that prevents others from doing the same.......
I done well in school,
I don't like picking up on spelling/grammar, but that one's brilliant.
A mark of intelligence is'nt how well you spell, or read, or speak.
Mock all you wantI don't like picking up on spelling/grammar, but that one's brilliant.
people aren't robots off a production line, I imagine there's a multitude of reasons and factors that some people are more successful or motivated than others.
i'm guessing that you're not the most successful person in the world so why are others more successful than you?