Joe Kinnear
When Kane let the ball run and span onto it, taking out the midfielder, Kane was 1 on 1 with the centre back.
At that point you want Kane to take him on and commit him and either beat him or get a penalty or get a shot away or play a ball across the "six yard line".
At that instant, Eriksen's first instinct was to run parallel to the goal, towards Kane, to play a 1-2 or get involved in a passing move... because that is Eriksen's primary game, that is just what he always does, play intricate passes etcetera... so within 1 second Eriksen is running parallel to the box, 20 yards out but Kane has suddenly taken on the centre back.
At that point Eriksen breaks into the box but there is no way he can make up the distance for a tap in.
If Eriksen's first movement had been that of a greedy goalscorer i.e. to run towards goal, he would have had a tap in.
But you cannot criticise either player, both did what is natural and both played well.
That was later on in the game
That was a great move from Kane
The one I referred to earlier was around 50 mins
The one you refer too I when kane hit it across the goal and it missed the back post by a foot