Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
I ask you again; did Sokratis lay two hands on Kane and shove him? Forget anything else, I would simply appreciate your response to that question. As for “staying on their bloody feet and score or set up an easy chance” etc, I find it hard to believe Kane would not rather do either, however, regardless of whether he has checked his run slightly or not, why has Sokratis laid two hands on him and shoved? That action has nothing to do with playing the
ball. One other question; is it against the rules to not run full pelters when one on one?
There was a decision to be made. I think Atkinson bottled it. You don’t. And now we have a “cheat” narrative.
Blimey you do have it in for Kane don't you.
Having watched Kane as much as anyone I am struggling to think of a previous occasion when he has been found guilty by common consent of a clear dive in the box.
The problem of course is that a lot of the time opinions on diving are highly subjective. No doubt there's been the odd occasion when he has been accused of diving, but that does not necessarily mean that is what actually happened.
So I'd say the onus is upon you to come up with chapter and verse. When and where did he dive and can you provide a video link to prove it?
Otherwise as far as I am concerned it simply did not happen.
Are you being serious? Because I believe he has dived on occasions (which he has) then I have it in for him?
Evidence has been provided. Use your eyes. Like I said, diving is ingrained in football now, everyone does it. This sanctimonious attitude that Spurs players don’t ever dive is breathtaking. And yet we accuse others of the very same thing.
For me the bigger issue is why players feel the need to manufacture contact and/or go to ground when there is minimal contact when they could just as easily stay on their feet and have a shot or pass to a teammate in a better/similar position?
I sympathise with players to a degree as refs often will not give a penalty unless a player goes to ground even if he has been fouled but that doesn’t excuse players dragging their legs against keepers and defenders and going to ground when they have simply been brushed to win a penalty.