So now you get abusive. How can I explain it to you if you don't have basic grasp of physics or chemistry or biology. Your theories on grounding contradict the basic laws of physics. As I pointed out you have to start by understanding about charge and electric fields. As you are unwilling to learn, there's nothing I can say that will satisfy you. By learn, I mean study the basic principles, not google word matches.
My guess if the blood cell analysis is a fraud and not done in a controlled way. The description actually gives a clue to the lack of the control.
Edit: I don't know why I bother, but just look at the numbers ...
Calculations show that the negative charge on the Earth's surface due to the earth's electric field is the equivalent of 100 million (1e8 ) electrons per square metre.
The ion current through a single ion channel is of the order of 10 million ions per second (1e7/s). A single cell can have hundreds of ions channels and the human body must have a huge number of ions channels. The brain has something like 1e12 neurons, each with say 100 channels (=1e14).
So for a person standing on a one square metre piece of Earth there is one electron for every 100,000 ion channels in the human body. The whole charge on that piece of earth due the the Earth's electric field could pass through a single ion channel in 10s.
Or consider the charges on a single cell. Because there is a potential difference across the cell membrane, there are more negative charges on the outside. Calculations show this is also around 100 million negative ions, i.e. each cell has approximately the same charge as 1 square metre of earth. The human body has approximately 10 million million cells. That means the combined cell surfaces in the body have as much charge as 10 million million square meters (or 10 million km2) of earth's surface due to the Earth's field. That is the surface area of China.
So with those numbers how can you create any rational mechanism involving the Earth's field for why grounding would work. The numbers just don't add up.
Thanks JTS.
That makes some sense, but now you have flip-flopped completely and you are saying in fact you have looked into it and found there is a surplus as I said, so now the focus changes.
Sorry if you took offence, but 'back your brick up' and 'science guru' are hardly real digs are they? Especially as you keep lacing your retorts with petty mundane digs.
Now the focus I propose to you is, with an electrical field, such as the ionosphere/earth (as that is the focus which proved the surplus), is the ionosphere's potential increased as it saturates in postive ions? what happens to the draw we have seen exhibited? Does it increase and therefore draw more negative ions from the earth? I would say this 'basic science' you keep talking about confirms that would be the case, yes?
So, in place of the ionosphere we put man, who is consistently interacting with gadgets (and, ever more, ambient EMF's), which as shown in the second video of the thead pass through up to 20V into (or through if grounded) the person holding it, this increases the potential of the person massively and therefore the grounding potential to the earth, it's pretty basic science to me. Whether it is the full/only benefit of what is happening I don't know, but it is clearly one which you have even now agreed makes some scientific sense, and has potential for validity by proxy.
Sad swipe, to suggest tampering with experimental results by a Doctor is it not? Would you be prepared to make that accusation to the Doctor directly?
Anyway, I'm going to be doing some research and buy some electrical/ion measurement tools, I'm looking forward to measuring alkaline foot baths when done in an earthed bowl, realised I can also ground/earth by putting my feet on the taps whilst in the bath...

Dr Mercola (who you probably loath! or you are wet behind the ears in your field if not) says on the video this is the biggest medical breakthrough in the past 10years, my thoughts are, 'sounds good', 'can I take this on?'
But I am thankful for the breakdown, it is no doubt correct in and of itself (otherwise I will be back to critique it further). I'd rather you desisted on the 'you must learn' stuff, my physics teacher wrote on my last report '******* could do anything he put his mind to, clearly though he has chosen not to put his mind to Physics', which I thought was just a supportive dig (as I failed all my O Levels) until I did an IQ test many years later and found that he was right (my long term memory is poor, the creative side pretty darn good though). So I'd rather you didn't pull a '
Listen Little Man' because I don't subscribe to that brick.