Steffen Freund
Muse Origin of Symmetry
This thread just goes to show how badly music fell off a cliff towards the end of the 90s.
There are some decent, albums on here that I suspect none of us would be ashamed to have been involved in. But the standard is so far below that of the 90s.
I'm now going to thoroughly contradict myself by putting forward:
Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea
White Blood Cells
The Black Album
Songs in A Minor
Late Registration
Boy in da Corner (not really my thing in terms of style, but I recognise it for the good album that it is)
Very US-heavy decade in terms of the top albums I think. Certainly compared to the 90s.
That's what people said in the 50s when everyone was listening to watered down American brick. They said it in the 70s before Punk came along and in the late 80s/early 90s before guitar music made a comeback.I don't see much difference in quality between the albums listed here and those we discussed in the 90s thread.
Once the Internet exploded music became much more niche/specialist with variety going through the roof so from around this time period there are very few all encompassing bands/artists which appeal to everyone - there won't be another Oasis/Nirvana/Radiohead even if there are artists producing similar standards of music
Funny post!I don't see much difference in quality between the albums listed here and those we discussed in the 90s thread.
Once the Internet exploded music became much more niche/specialist with variety going through the roof so from around this time period there are very few all encompassing bands/artists which appeal to everyone - there won't be another Oasis/Nirvana/Radiohead even if there are artists producing similar standards of music
#savebillyiddoYou guys obviously just got old and lost touch
Or matured and realised the difference between taste and a passing trend.You guys obviously just got old and lost touch
I tend to agree with this pretty much. Dance music exploded everywhere but wasn't really driven by mainstream hits. In fact the charts are an irrelevance these days for the most part. But not only dance music, all genres of music have such variety now mainly due to the ease of home recording. It is now far easier to release material but much harder to be king of the hill. The argument that home recording flooded the music scene with sub-standard tracks in also wrong in my opinion. Yes there is a load of poo produced now but there a corresponding amount of amazing material also produced. The music scene now is as healthy and vibrant as it has ever been, and more accessible than ever.I don't see much difference in quality between the albums listed here and those we discussed in the 90s thread.
Once the Internet exploded music became much more niche/specialist with variety going through the roof so from around this time period there are very few all encompassing bands/artists which appeal to everyone - there won't be another Oasis/Nirvana/Radiohead even if there are artists producing similar standards of music
We're not talking 1970s or 1950s bad, but it's pretty fudging bad.I am sure if i think REALLY hard and long i could come up with a couple, brick decade for me for music.