Fair play on freezing pricing and rolling back to a degree on the senior concessions.
1) Ticket Share can now only be done to Members - that won’t be so popular.
No Auto cup scheme going forward (so no extra 10 LPs).
2) No more selling/sharing a Cat A ticket and getting a Cat A refund - refunds now 1/19th of ST value for each match.
And an olive branch to ROTS and others trying to find ways to improve the atmosphere.
Good moves by the club at an initial glance.
Are you having a fvckin' laugh?
I travel down, from Leeds, to every single home game, as I will today. Cost? 60 - 70 quid, with a Senior RailCard. Spend at least 30 quid in the ground and 150 plus per season in the shop.
Used to go to away ("home" for me) games as well, until the 30 quid ceiling meant this became a closed shop for the chosen few.
Now I'm looking at being on another waiting list for a "Senior Concession" (we have agreed that there should be ongoing availability of new Senior Concession Season Tickets for future seasons "within the parameters of the current balance of tickets" - WTF does that mean? Don't worry you'll probably be dead before you qualify?).
Having to apply for my seat for cup games (which I've previously always automatically had the money taken out of my account for - as per today).
Being threatened with losing my seat, which was specifically chosen for the atmosphere (South Lower 254 "Safe Standing"), because I'm not in the "ROTS Choir" (Who the fvck are they anyway!?!) .
Point (1) I agree with. Although I always use my ticket.
Point (2) I wasn't aware I would get anything other than 1/19th of the value.
Overall this has got fvck all to do with "valued loyalty" or "atmosphere" this is about the bottom line. When the ground is full of tourists filming set pieces or taking selfies, they may wake up to the fact that this is not what a football club ("Brand") is all about, or its main selling point.