Sergei Rebrov
Because they would have needed 3 cells to fit his teeth in & the prisons are chockablock
Because they would have needed 3 cells to fit his teeth in & the prisons are chockablock
Seriously though - this taco has been made an example of. His "tweets",not only about Muamba,but to about 20 other people were rank. He won't do it again.
There was a thread on here a while ago about a load of lads who got banged up over football trouble. One fella got 2 years for "swinging a baby tree" :lol:,another got about a year for filming the violence. Just being made an example of. Won't stop either happening though will it?
Yes it's harsh and disproportionate, but who cares. I fudging hate the internet mentality, how vile people are and the pure abuse. People need to take repssonbility for their words. It's disgusting these faceless people spouting all their brick. Most youtube videos end up in racist/sexist/homophobic vitriol. Sickens me.
I'd prefer that he has the right to post whatever stupid comments he wants and everyone else has the right to think he's an idiot. Not sure I'm comfortable with sending people to jail for what they write online. Isn't that what we've all been condemning the Chinese authories for?
I'd prefer that he has the right to post whatever stupid comments he wants and everyone else has the right to think he's an idiot. Not sure I'm comfortable with sending people to jail for what they write online. Isn't that what we've all been condemning the Chinese authories for?
Do kind of think this kid has fudged his own life up even before the jail time. Surely the Uni would have kicked him out even if he had not been arrested for it and now no decent employers are going to want to take a chance on him.
I'd prefer that he has the right to post whatever stupid comments he wants and everyone else has the right to think he's an idiot. Not sure I'm comfortable with sending people to jail for what they write online. Isn't that what we've all been condemning the Chinese authories for?
I'd prefer that he has the right to post whatever stupid comments he wants and everyone else has the right to think he's an idiot. Not sure I'm comfortable with sending people to jail for what they write online. Isn't that what we've all been condemning the Chinese authories for?
Would you agree if he went up to a black guy in the street and told him he had aids? I don't see a great deal of difference. Too many people hide behind their screen and it spreads hatred. It absolutely needs to be dealt with.
Would you agree if he went up to a black guy in the street and told him he had aids? I don't see a great deal of difference. Too many people hide behind their screen and it spreads hatred. It absolutely needs to be dealt with.