Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
Mine's not here either. Plus I haven't got the loyalty point added to my account yet and the money hasn't been taken from my account.
Nothing for me yet either, although they did take the money from my credit card on 5th April. I don't think we get any loyalty points for cup semi-finals / finals though, do we? I'm sure I didn't get anything for the Man Utd Carling Cup final or the Pompey semi.Mine's not here either. Plus I haven't got the loyalty point added to my account yet and the money hasn't been taken from my account.
Just heard from a pal of mine who phoned The Torch pub, Chelsea have it...
A mate has been offered Club Wembley seats but apparently you're not allowed to wear club colours there, can anyone confirm whether it is true that fans would be refused entry to that area for wearing a football shirt to watch a football match?!
Club Wembley and Club Colours
We have recently been asked for some clarification about the rules regarding club colours and team shirts within Club Wembley and Corinthian areas. We have summarised the key questions and answers below which we hope you will find useful.
Our Code of Conduct states:
Please remember that fans are not segregated in Club Wembley or Corinthian areas. Accordingly, we advise you not to wear club shirts/colours to football matches. If you do wear club colours, we may, at our sole discretion, refuse you or your guests entry to the Stadium or remove you or your guests from the Stadium.
To clarify:
Will I be allowed into Club Wembley if I wear club colours or a team shirt ?
The chances are that you will be allowed into the Stadium if you wear club colours. However, you run the risk of being refused entry if Wembley Stadium believes that to let you into the Stadium would create a safety and/or security risk. Please be aware that entry to the Stadium is always subject to our Ground Regulations (available on www.wembleystadium.com).
Are Wembley Stadium trying to stop me from supporting my club by recommending that I don't wear club colours ?
Not at all! We would always encourage you to be vocal in your support for your teams. However, a minority of people occasionally go overboard which may make things uncomfortable or unpleasant for those around them. We urge you to take common sense precautions, and to be aware that if the wearing of club colours is creating a safety and/or security issue, the wearer may be removed from the Club Wembley tier or the Stadium.
I’m wearing a club shirt but behaving responsibly. Why would I be removed from the Stadium ?
Whilst you may be behaving responsibly, unfortunately, the wearing of the club shirt may antagonise others around you and create a safety issue. We would always assess the risks of the situation before taking action, but in some cases, we may need to remove you for your own safety.
But why would you remove me when I am not the one behaving inappropriately?
Each situation is assessed individually and the most appropriate action is taken in the circumstances to ensure the safety of all of those involved as quickly as possible. This may mean the removal of the cause of the issue i.e. club colours.
So why don’t you just ban the wearing of club shirts altogether ?
Wembley Stadium does not wish to impose an outright ban on club shirts that will affect all Club Wembley members and their guests, when it is only a small minority of people who may cause problems. We don't think a ban is necessary at this point, and do hope that it won't become necessary - however, we do reserve our right to do this in the future should we need to for safety and/or security reasons. We hope that Club Wembley members and their guests understand the complexity of this issue and we leave it to you to make your own choice.
What do I do if I see people behaving inappropriately on the Club Wembley tier?
If you have concerns about the behaviour of any person on the Club Wembley tier, then please let the nearest steward know. It would be helpful if you could provide a description of the person you are concerned about and if possible, block and row details.
...and please don't cheer, celebrate, or show any indication of happiness if your team scores... for fear of insulting the opposition...
Club Wembley and Club Colours
I was actually in Club Wembley for the Final last season. I didn't see too many in kits but plenty of scarves and things. If you've got a ticket there, do it...free booze and food (at least it was for me).
Apparently Chelsea got an extra allocation of 1300 tickets. Beggars belief if they did & we didn't........
They do get more tickets than us, they did in 08 as well, because they have more season ticket holders.
In all fairness I thought it was only around an additonal 300-500 in 2008, like it was this season, but another 1300 would make it nearing 2k more, which I feel is unfair
Apparently Chelsea got an extra allocation of 1300 tickets. Beggars belief if they did & we didn't........
Especially when it went to general fudging sale and ST and Members could buy 3 each !!!