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Energy Bills

Did I fall asleep and only imagine a worldwide global financial crisis affecting pretty much every country, whether left or right or did Labour somehow cause that as well?

Labour are complete mugs but deary me, I didn't realise just how tribal people were about politics even in the apparently educated West as well.

I blame it all on Bill Clinton and pushing mortgages on to people who could not afford them. But seriously your right it was not the fault of any one side.

What does need to be looked at was how Britain was going before the crash, with increased public spending and no reform of the pensions in fact Brown absolutely ****ed over the pensions as soon as Labour got into office. Also under Labour manufacturing decreased at a faster and higher rate then under thatcher.

Then instead of reforming welfare to make us lean as a country they encouraged their traditional voters to go on to welfare and get an increasing amount of benefits in a disgusting way of tightening their vote. They went cap in hand to the city(something the tories do to much as well) and allowed them to behave in a disgusting and dangerous manner.

Labour instead of creating real jobs or new industry because of their own political views decided it was better to have a bloated civil service and created a million public sector jobs(look at france to see how that goes).

But they banned fox hunting and changed dustbin man's name to refuse collectors, so on the whole good job by them.
Did I fall asleep and only imagine a worldwide global financial crisis affecting pretty much every country, whether left or right or did Labour somehow cause that as well?

Labour are complete mugs but deary me, I didn't realise just how tribal people were about politics even in the apparently educated West as well.

I've yet to meet a tory voter who thinks the party do anything. If I had to compare them to football fans I would say Liverpool would be the closest match.
I blame it all on Bill Clinton and pushing mortgages on to people who could not afford them. But seriously your right it was not the fault of any one side.

What does need to be looked at was how Britain was going before the crash, with increased public spending and no reform of the pensions in fact Brown absolutely ****ed over the pensions as soon as Labour got into office. Also under Labour manufacturing decreased at a faster and higher rate then under thatcher.

Then instead of reforming welfare to make us lean as a country they encouraged their traditional voters to go on to welfare and get an increasing amount of benefits in a disgusting way of tightening their vote. They went cap in hand to the city(something the tories do to much as well) and allowed them to behave in a disgusting and dangerous manner.

Labour instead of creating real jobs or new industry because of their own political views decided it was better to have a bloated civil service and created a million public sector jobs(look at france to see how that goes).

But they banned fox hunting and changed dustbin man's name to refuse collectors, so on the whole good job by them.

He was a far better president then the clown that followed him.
Left or right, eventually people will see that Democracy is a flawed system. It has inherent problems and in the UK and US its stagnant. Many of the ills people levee at 'dictatorships' like China, are far worse in Democratic states. The notion that voting makes any difference is in my opinion wrong. Moreover the current democratic system often holds up effective change.
state ownership doesn't work as there is no incentive to perform

Bureaucracies can not run economies. But that is rather different. Have a look at China. 30 years ago one of the poorest agricultural countries in the world. Now its transformed to the second largest economy. And it will most likely overtake the US to become the largest economy in the world. Free enterprise and ownership of business is allowed and key, but the state owns and controls a great deal still.
Bureaucracies can not run economies. But that is rather different. Have a look at China. 30 years ago one of the poorest agricultural countries in the world. Now its transformed to the second largest economy. And it will most likely overtake the US to become the largest economy in the world. Free enterprise and ownership of business is allowed and key, but the state owns and controls a great deal still.

The Chinese economy is simply capitalism with slave labour and few constraints.

Much like Britain during the Industrial Revolution, it's incredibly successful but at a huge cost - one that will eventually outweigh the benefits.

Plus, China is nowhere near as successful as they'd have you believe. The cities are advancing rapidly but the vast majority of the population is still poorer than you or I could probably imagine.
What about other effects on price rises?

The government has been issuing massive incentives for energy saving measures such as loft insulation, wall insulation - all resulting in less energy consumption ergo fat cat energy bosses ramp up prices. However we may be using less so it might just be we pay the same on a steady trend of inflation.

With regards to fixing - I think it's a bit of a false economy. When your term ends you will see a MASSIVE hike in bills rather than just finding the £120-ish per year (which is only a tenner per month) You're hardly going to put your savings on the bills away to compensate when your term ends are you?

Go with the flow - to quote Baz Lurhman - "Accept certain inalienable truths, Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you, too, will get old, and when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders"
What about other effects on price rises?

The government has been issuing massive incentives for energy saving measures such as loft insulation, wall insulation - all resulting in less energy consumption ergo fat cat energy bosses ramp up prices. However we may be using less so it might just be we pay the same on a steady trend of inflation.

With regards to fixing - I think it's a bit of a false economy. When your term ends you will see a MASSIVE hike in bills rather than just finding the £120-ish per year (which is only a tenner per month) You're hardly going to put your savings on the bills away to compensate when your term ends are you?

Go with the flow - to quote Baz Lurhman - "Accept certain inalienable truths, Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you, too, will get old, and when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders"

Seriously you think its better for me to burn £240 and pay the hike now than it is to pocket the money and pay the hike later. :ross:
I would like to also speak about those that have elderly families. Please do not forget about them, sort out your parents, your grandparents too. There are many deals now these companies do for the pension drawing phalanx.

Savings might mean they can during the cold period have that extra bar on the 30 year old electric fire. Do it this weekend before more hikes are made.
Fcuk me, when are we going to stop subsidising the bloody French on Energy. This Nuclear power deal is a WTF.. who is getting backhanders on that sh it.

They say we cannot build our own because we don't have the industry. How about we do what banking does then FFS.. head hunt the people and bring them here. Form a new company and build the power stations you mug MP fcukers. Then maybe when all is going well you can sell that fcuker company too for peanuts. RAGING ABOUT THIS TBH
I think it's partly still fear of another windscale, we want the kw's but don't want our name on it

also it's a hell of a consultation process, if we tear this deal up, hire some foreign experts and start from scratch tomorrow it would be 10 years before we could break ground let alone have it on the grid, we should have done the deal a decade ago, you can't generate too much energy
I think it's partly still fear of another windscale, we want the kw's but don't want our name on it
also it's a hell of a consultation process, if we tear this deal up, hire some foreign experts and start from scratch tomorrow it would be 10 years before we could break ground let alone have it on the grid, we should have done the deal a decade ago, you can't generate too much energy
How about the Government sells its stake in RBS and Lloyds and then uses that moolar to buy a company. I simply refuse to acknowledge that in a free market we cannot just buy 31% of a company and then force a takeover. Have MPs that say fcuk you to opposition government that wants to block it. That surely is illegal is it not for it to be blocked within the EU. Or maybe Branson can buy EDF and sell it to the government at cost price. Or Branson can really earn his knighthood and buy EDF and then do everything at cost price instead of letting the French populace pay half what the UK pays for its energy thus stopping us subsidising them. and then do everything at cost price.
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