Terry Dyson
Yes, you can have both, but just because someone gives you the impression of not trying due to a relaxed body language, a smirk on his face or not chasing down a ball they have no chance of reaching doesn't mean that they aren't trying or don't actually care. People are different and have different ways of both acting and reacting.
I just don't get impressed by someone making a big deal out of running around, trying to look like they're trying harder than everyone else.
I agree, to some extent at least.
It's very easy to be fooled by a couple of lung busting defensive runs while the player that consistently does their job defensively without attracting much attention to themselves often go unnoticed.
I remember Crouch consistently was among those players that ran the most for us, and before that it was the same at Liverpool. He was very diligent, but you didn't see him making those Rooney type runs deep into his own half to make a tackle at a random point in the game so he wasn't given as much credit for it as he deserved.
Modric was similarly very disciplined and diligent. He was super dependable and would get back into position almost no matter what the situation was. Didn't get half as much credit for his defensive work as he deserved I thought. Had he been flying into a dangerous or reckless tackle or two at the end of some of those runs I think he would have gotten more credit for it.
Stamina and effort is very important in football, but it has to be done in a smart way to maximize the value of it.