Yup, I think you're definitely right that it's harder to find someone who is actually serious about dating on the sites.
I have three dates within the next week; one is a second date, the others are first dates.
And I know what you mean about women going quiet. I was texting one for weeks and then she dropped off the radar totally, no explanations, just gone! I was meant to be seeing her today too, for a day out too.
Plus women give out all the signs of a good first date, only to give you the friend zone talk. I'd never met a woman desperate for me to call her, wanting to get touchy feely and who wanted to keep suggesting we meet up during the date, who then decided that we're friends, until now.
A lot of the women are likely out to get a free nights worth of entertainment from guys. The women play interested and the guy foots up the bill and then that's it, the dream is over.
I have been caught out once with this tactic and the woman in question offered to split the bill for the first round of drinks. I'm happy paying for the first round and so said no, she then elected not to pay for anything all night!! Cost me £30, not that much admittedly but it was the principle. I didn't even think she was hot anyway, she was overweight, didnt look so much like her photos. She probably needed to save money to buy her three kebabs on the way home!!
Other than her, the others have all been beautiful women, the type who must get a lot of messages and yet all went halves on drinks or food.