David Ginola
No one knows who invented it but I doubt the person who did would be as stupid as this.
Yes this guy looks like a fraud. In it for the publicity. Wasn't there a message sent - from the founding Bitcoin accounts thought to be associated with the true inventor of Bitcoin, claiming him to be a fraud? The point is only the person who had the password to these founding Bitcon wallets, could send that message - effectively from these founding wallets?
The CIA invented to track criminals. They realised in their laboured efforts to catch bin laden they had to change the game.
What is interesting is this Satoshi Nakamoto - the supposed founder of Bitcoin, is unknown! There are huge huge sums held in wallets that can be observed from their creation date. They are such large sums they could rock the currency if sold off. It could well be the CIA, or some other institution sitting on these billions. Could you imagine one individual would have left all of this value in there as it became worth real money over the years? Doesn't quite make sense right?
While fascinating, I have not invested in crypto. The fact that no one uses the currencies to spend money alarms me, and makes me think it all based on speculation. Ride the wave, why not, just be conscious that very little underpins these currencies. While other assets become inflated - someone flagged Tesla - their share price is underpinned by something that does make money. Tesla cars are being bought by people. Personally, I need that link to reality and genuine value to be able to invest.
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