Dean Richards
Such personal issues are, obviously, of huge importance to you.
Please don't take it personally when I say they're irrelevant to public health decisions.
Fortunately we have some level of competence leading Australia.
Such personal issues are, obviously, of huge importance to you.
Please don't take it personally when I say they're irrelevant to public health decisions.
You should have the right to isolate if you feel it's needed.
Just as the rest of us should have the right to our freedom.
Actual protesters around 50, partners, bemused passers by and general people not getting too close to the action (because of fear of catching covid ironically) brings the number up to a couple of hundred. Melbourne is a city of 5m people. Hence my thought that those protests were largely insignificant.
That bogan woman (bogan is an Australian term for chav) was giving it all mouth about her human rights being restricted because she couldn’t go to McDonalds with her friends for lunch, so she decided to organise a protest using Facebook. An illegal protest given the current laws and ongoing pandemic. When confronted about breaking the law she became abusive, then repentant, then sobbed. Maybe she should have thought about her actions before organising an illegal protest when the rest of us are respecting the law and trying to overcome restrictions as quickly as possible. As for her being pregnant, if you stopped the world every time a bogan got pregnant there really wouldn’t much you could do to the woman from the age of 16 to 30. She should use birth control.
In terms of vulnerable folk shielding and others carrying on as normal, as tough as it maybe, a tiny proportion of investment compared to the losses of lockdown in to well being and protection for these folks would make a lot of sense. Something sensible has to be worked out to give them some quality of life but allow society to function again.
My dad is in a high risk category (diabetes, kidney transplant, general health issues.) Staying at home for 6 months to ensure people like him can stay alive? Seems a pretty fair deal.
Absolutely, actually having a working track and trace system, testing at the required capacity and making mask wearing mandatory six months ago would have helped too.
The biggest mistake the government have made is confused messaging.
So there is nothing wrong with someone in a key advisory role in line to benefit from the advice he is giving?
So Vallance it turns out has shares in a Vaccine company?
No wonder they are pushing for the Vaccine being the only answer
He needs to go if its true, its a massive conflict of interest
Plenty of people have lost jobs because their employers couldn't open their businesses.I found out about my issue from a routine medical, most people don't have those, it's a fairly common issue, there are a lot of people out there not aware of it for whom covid could start a domino rally.
I don't get the freedom thing, its not curfews and isolation, even at the height of lockdown you could still take the dog for a walk, still go and do your shopping, yeah we have to wear a mask, but we have to wear pants too, its been a slight change in common courtesy.
Absolutely, actually having a working track and trace system, testing at the required capacity and making mask wearing mandatory six months ago would have helped too.
The biggest mistake the government have made is confused messaging.
Plenty of people have lost jobs because their employers couldn't open their businesses.
Ok, it's not nice to know a close relative or friend is vulnerable to this or any disease.
I guess i approach this like i would when thinking of how people with cancer/on chemotherapy are normally treated:
Should society shield from your dad or should your dad shield from society?
Should society totally close itself off from everyone else and close down for 6 months to protect the likes of your dad?
Or should your dad be protected by shielding himself away from society (or from anyone outside of his bubble)?
Is the economic downturn and negative long-term effects of unemployment, higher suicide rates etc for the vast majority of society worth it to protect the relatively small percentage that are vulnerable like your dad?
Please bare in mind i'm not saying the vulnerable like your dad should be allowed to rot and die etc, i'm asking on a societal level whether the cost of totally shutting down EVERYONE is worth it? Also, switch the ailment/risk from being coronavirus to being someone with cancer (to try and put in more in perspective).
So Vallance it turns out has shares in a Vaccine company?
No wonder they are pushing for the Vaccine being the only answer
He needs to go if its true, its a massive conflict of interest
Cancer isn’t contagious.
Edit: For what it's worth, I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but only because it's too late to do anything. You're not coming back from 4000 cases per day at this point. But just because the UK completely failed to control this from day one doesn't mean lockdown isn't worth it. It absolutely is, but it's got to be part of a proper plan to control your borders, to trace and isolate, to penalise those who have tested positive and continue to go about in their community.
Unless you do it to an extreme level, it's not worth doing it at all. And in the UKs case, you're destroying your economy and you're seeing many deaths.
Guess professor Sridhar has had a change of heart, or received a torrent of abuse...
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