Glenda's Legs
Cecil Poynton
So much for seeing it off in 12 weeks then eh BoJo!!! I fail to see how pubs closing at 10 is going to do much, if you're with someone for 2/3 hours rather than 4/5 hours you'll still likely catch it. It may reduce it a tiny amount if it puts people off going to the pub but in the grand scheme of it the main effect is to slowly starve the pubs until even more of them shut down whilst not reducing the virus spread - in other words the worst of both worlds.
I can kind of see the logic (if one accepts a key driver is to not totally kill off the hospitality industry). Test, track and trace (to the extent it is working at all) is showing that most infections are being spread in social environments, and that social distancing adherence drops off during later hours, and therefore there is more mixing in greater numbers.
I’ve also seen comments about what difference will one hour make, but that’s people still thinking pubs shut at 11pm.That’s not the case in most towns and cities, certainly at weekends, where opening hour often extend to midnight and beyond.
Stricter enforcement and legal requirements on venues to adhere rather than just guidance in the original re-opening phase would have made a difference imo.
But I agree, more pubs will end up going out of business, as well as restaurants which now can’t realistically take bookings much later than 8.30-9pm if they need to be shut up by 10pm.
@Grays_1890 has often made the point about personal responsibility and I couldn’t agree more with that. The problem is there is little appetite for many to take on that responsibility if it interferes with social engagements.
The first lock down succeeded over time in limiting/bringing down the number of hospital admissions and deaths. I’m not sure this one will.