Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
I’d like to know why cases are always the metric/yardstick used for determining how good/bad things are in relation to the pandemic. Or do the media just use whatever number sounds scarier? I’m not anti-media or a conspiracy theorist, but I noticed the BBC started referring to case numbers at the top of the bulletin once the death total started to level out ie when it wasn’t a shocking daily number like 1000 every day. And to me it seems like very few regular people are calling for a lockdown, saw a guardian journalist tweeted a YouGov poll which had 25% of people saying they thought a lockdown was necessary for non-essential shops, pubs etc, 65% were against and 10% didn’t know. Obviously they didn’t survey all 65 million uk residents, but if that poll is any indication of things then the vast majority are against lockdowns. It seems the media are the ones driving the lockdown bandwagon. The death total today was 44. Only one day but how in any way shape or form is a lockdown required to curb such a low number?