Steffen Freund
In england not any longer. Number of people in hospital with covid is falling.
Europe has 4 problems. The 3 week gap between vaccinations (rather than 3 months in the uk) gives less protection that wanes faster. They kept restrictions too long, so now with winter coming everyone in doors, low vit d they are seeing a massive peak. (Uk has had between 40-50k a day for 4 months now, they are getting all those numbers in one go). They have unvaccinated that have had no exposure so no immunity. They also are very slow at rolling out boosters.
It's a perfect storm at the worst time possible. They fudged up big time. Now they have to put in more restrictions or their health systems could buckle.
Is that really true though?
The Netherlands, for example, is set to go into some form of lockdown, they have rising cases. But i'm sure a few weeks back on here someone posted a tweet about how much vaccination western Europe (including the Netherlands) had done compared to the East.
Also, i'm pretty sure the Netherlands opened up before we did, though i'm happy to be corrected on that.
Many weeks ago Western Europe was neing envied by commentators and that the UK was a 'basket case' etc in terms of how much vaccination had been given out etc.