Which is still a reduction. The surgical masks aren't great thats why brought my self and my family N95 masks. My issue is with the government getting rid of mandating masks, instead they should have suggested n95 masks.
Reinfection Is happening. This is a fast mutating virus, anything that we can do to stop the spread and the potential of mutation is a good thing. Because who knows what the next mutation will be.
Linked to this and What I cant get my head around is this:
There is an evolutionary advantage for viruses to weaken, ie if the virus doesn't kill or make a carrier seriously ill it can go on and infect more people and therefore become the dominant mutation of the virus.
The vaccines we have mainly don't prevent infection but do to a supposedly 90% degree prevent serious symptoms.
So if by introducing these types of vaccines we take away the evolutionary advantage of the virus to mutate in to a weaker version of itself what does that mean?
We are not trying to stop the spread. We don't want it all in one go but we want it to go through the population before schools go back. You need to understand that. Otherwise any debate is pointless.