Dean Richards
So why can we compare Australia / New Zealand to the U.K. but yet we can’t compare Sweden because of the different make up of the country?
The only reason I continue to post in this thread is to counter the opinion of about 5 people, which is bordering on misinformation. Random tweets with absolutely no context. Grandiose claims about what lockdown is doing to other parts of society. The general theme of this thread is that lockdown absolutely 100% doesn’t work, and only causes more social issues. Australia proves what an effective lockdown strategy can do, and I’ve lived through it for 8 months.
To use our Australian friends as an example, only 27,000 cases is to be applauded without doubt, but even with their larger success in lockdown and dealing with Covid they are 40% down on treating cancer patients YOY, so when do we start to see this so called freeing up of services to deal with that? Is that from today? next week? next month? Im interested as it has been leveled that lockdowns save services to treat all.
You keep saying this, but I haven’t heard anything like this in Victoria. Can you provide more information?