Johnny Morrison
If the virus is allowed to run its course in the rest of the population, they'd have to isolate themselves almost totally from it, potentially for months/years. You've never explained how that is possible. How does a care home resident isolate from the staff, or the doctor? How does a grandparent who lives with their child/grandchildren isolate from them?
Correct. I listened to two separate epidemiologists on the radio yesterday talking about the impossibility of shielding people in an open society. Older people need care; they need to access hospitals; they need food; many live in multi-generational houses. The list goes on. If the virus is running rampant through society it is simply not possible to keep it away from the vulnerable.
Then you get on to those in the vulnerable category. Many are below 65. Most have families that live with them. Attempting to cut millions of people off from society is something that we don't have the means to achieve. The bloke I listened to yesterday from Oxford University described it as "an idea that seems simple but which is in fact more far-fetched than Operation Moonshot."