David Ginola
Haha I was going to suggest it was that he was a selfish clam!
I think you win! All hours - not cool.
Haha I was going to suggest it was that he was a selfish clam!
I think you win! All hours - not cool.
One thing I just do not understand. Why the opposition to wearing a mask? Why die in a ditch over this 'issue'?
In a country where so many crazy fcukers are obsessed with a right to bear arms, its hardly surprising they take issue with their right to not wear a mask. Funny thing is, wearing a mask actually looks quite cool if you're holding a semi automatic rifle. Tell them to do the opposite of what you want them to do would be my strategy.
Living up in an area where lockdown has just been re-imposed, it is going to be VERY interesting to see how Eid impacts the infection rates over the coming weeks.
Living up in an area where lockdown has just been re-imposed, it is going to be VERY interesting to see how Eid impacts the infection rates over the coming weeks.
Only until the semi finals.I see there is massive divide in the snooker...
Eid Mubarak up those who celebrate btw. The fact they waited to announce this at 10pm the night before Eid is genuinely ridiculous from the govt, along with them not closing pubs and restaurants which makes no sense. I'm livid.
How will Eid impact it more than opening pubs and restaurants? We only really see our own families and we stay in our bubbles.
It might, it might not.
In the same way that if this was done around Christmas.
Hmm.It won't happen around Xmas and they will change the rules to suit them like they did with Cummings.
The situation will probably be better by then. If it's not, then I am sure that they would.
The Eid thing is a nonsense. Why they haven't also locked down pubs is beyond me.
Bingo.They have said that in those areas, track and trace is showing that the biggest cause of the increased infections was people visiting other houses, often in excess of the permitted numbers, and not maintaining social distancing. Hence the new restrictions target that particular activity and not pubs, restaurants, places of worship etc.
Mad times we have now, we seem to move forward then take two steps back, one sideways and one more back again.
Eid Mubarak up those who celebrate btw. The fact they waited to announce this at 10pm the night before Eid is genuinely ridiculous from the govt, along with them not closing pubs and restaurants which makes no sense. I'm livid.
The situation will probably be better by then. If it's not, then I am sure that they would.
People have consistently said a lot of the spread is between families in homes/gardens rather than generally out and about because you're in contact with them for longer.
I don't think pub spread is massive (just based on actions I see locally), round here anyway people only really go if they have a garden and they're mostly empty otherwise.