There are no easy answers, just less painful ones. (Remember noone likes taking the medicine)...
Most of the world was in a debt mess from 2008, nothing really happened, we pumped printed money into the banks that just served to inflate asset bubbles and put the loan book on life support low interest rates. The corporate market gobbled up what they could to pump up the corporate bond market that now resembles junk, well until the Fed pumps more magic money in to save it from collapse. And then of course we have personal debt running at GHod knows what (for what?) .. then a pandemic comes along and really puts the whole system in jeopardy.
Government s thought austerity might get us out of the 2008 mess but really we were treading water. Shame as it was the ethical thing to do (but no clam liked it). With the cost of the pandemic blowing up day by day we really are at World War numbers, and it appears the government have given up with adding anything's open season on handouts. I can see why politically, all other news is so bad it's the only positive spin they can turn to.
They are in a roundabout way converting personal and corporate debt into public debt with the measures they're taking and continue to introduce. I think due to the direct nature of this money gifting,inflation will be along soon. Maybe that's the plan, use it as a tool to shrink the debt. There is some massive flaws to it though, eg give more money to people that are not very good with money

., If interest rates have to go up, loads will be underwater.
But with all the sovereign debt build up we could see a cross country cancellation of some sort, as much of what's been 'lent' out its not coming back. Alternatively if we're bailing companies out we might as well take an equity stake and build a national sovereign wealth fund.
@Danishfurniturelover says to have such a millstone round our neck and potentially slipping into something akin to a depression will hamper so much we have on our plate nationally and globally (climate).
Edit: just to add, that a real depression will only rile up, in the most ugly way, the hate between the have's and have nots as well.