Les Howe
I have just seen a headline suggesting that Beijing are starting to scale back down because of a second spread, haven’t looked into more detail but never a good sign
I have just seen a headline suggesting that Beijing are starting to scale back down because of a second spread, haven’t looked into more detail but never a good sign
Yes, it seems to have started in the main city market.
I know Sweden was the model of success for some people. It seems more like an unmitigated disaster right now.
I wonder if any of those pro Swedish model posters are willing to hold their hand up and acknowledge they were talking sh!t?
Precisely. They've got through this without a severe lockdown and no sign of the apocalypse predicted by the "BSE is going to kill everyone" modelWhy would they?
The Swedish plan is herd immunity ?
3/7 rolling day deaths are on a downward trend
Experienced modelers drew early on parallels between COVID-19 and the Spanish flu [2] that caused >50 million deaths with mean age at death being 28. We all lament the current loss of life. However, as of June 8, total fatalities are ~410,000 with median age ~80 and typically multiple comorbidities.
You don't think that the death figure is comparitively low compared to the Spanish flu (not that covid is over, this is only the first wave) because of the whole western world (almost) went in to lock down?
This isn’t a flu, so it’s different and acts differently
Do you seriously think there would be 50 million deaths given the key works/shop workers have been working through out and Using the same modelling Sweden should be close to 90k deaths now?
Only the first wave, there may well be a second wave - but why is it a certainty? People need to stop talking like it is.
No I think its quite obvious that this isn't as deadly as the Spanish flu (thankfully). But probably somewhere between that and the Hong Kong flu of the late 60s and early 70s that killed between 1- and 4 million people (with no lock down).
Unless it burns itself out (not sure how... but would like to learn if you know?) there will be a less deadly second wave. In July ish and a third wave toward autumn/winter which I think will be more deadly... i hope I'm wrong...
Interesting the states is the same as Sweden, infections are up but deaths are still coming down.
Because the initial wave killed off the old and vulnerable so the initial death rate is front loaded
We can only go in the countries that have opened up and there has been no sign of a second wave in the countries that opened as few spikes, but nothing major.
Are we are the point where it has targeted the most at risk to it?
The problem is we have now done so much damage 1-4 million people will be affected by the fall out from this in another way and certainly more than the 100k that died in the uk from HKG flu
Interesting the states is the same as Sweden, infections are up but deaths are still coming down.
I wonder if any of those pro Swedish model posters are willing to hold their hand up and acknowledge they were talking sh!t?
A great contribution to the apples versus orange debate. You can't compare a country with the largest densely populated region in Europe (urban England), with one of the most interconnected cities in the world, and a country that is so isolated it gets left off half of internet maps.
If you're going to use population density as a statistic on COVID, doesn't it fall over when Taiwan and South Korea have higher density populations than England? In fact England's density only slightly higher than Germany and we have 4x the death rate, so not sure it's a useful statistic to defend UK's atrocious approach on COVID.
eA great contribution to the apples versus orange debate. You can't compare a country with the largest densely populated region in Europe (urban England), with one of the most interconnected cities in the world, and a country that is so isolated it gets left off half of internet maps.
I have to say I am pro Swedish model posters...I wonder if any of those pro Swedish model posters are willing to hold their hand up and acknowledge they were talking sh!t?