I have a little story of my own.
Before I start don't judge too harshly because this was in 2011. I would have been a young 18 at this point!
So I live in Newmarket in Suffolk. Nothing ever happens besides hose racing.
But one night me and y friends heard heard that West Ham were at the local nightclub because they had been doing some kind of team bonding assault course stuff a few miles away.
We went outside to look for autographs. My best mate was especially keen on getting Rob Green's autograph. I said 'I don't know why you'd want his autograph, he's a clam.' My mate was adamant he wanted to get an autograph from Rob Green.
It was like 2AM, me and my friends were drinking cans of Stella. Many players leaving like Wayne Bridge, Piquoneie etc... I couldn't give a toss about any of them.
Rob Green eventually came comes out and my mate asks him for an autograph. Rob Green says 'No' looking completely disinterested. My mate says 'why not'. Rob Green says 'because you've got those!' pointing to cans of beer. As if that's a reason to deny giving someone and autograph

Seeing how gutted my mate, being 18 years old and tinkled out my head, and having not forgotten about the World Cup a few months before and Green's goalkeeping against the US a few months before, I was clutching my hands together and screaming at Rob Green 'Next time just catch the fudging ball you daft clam. It's not fudging hard. Just catch the bloody thing. Don't slap it in. Jus catch it.'
At this point I was being warned by the door staff that I couldn't do anything like that again. I said fair enough but he's just been rude to us! Doorstaff agreed that he seemed like a nob but just said don't do anything like that again.
Not long after who comes out but Robbie Keane! My idol growing up as a kid!
I said 'Oh my fudging GHod its Keano!'
Robbie just says 'Got some beers there have you boys?'
I said 'Yeah do you want one?!'
He nods his head so I pass him one and he cracks it open.
After that he waited for his taxi having a beer with us both and we just chatted about Tottenham, him being out on loan and whether he might ome back.
This barely lasted any amount of time and was probably dull and boring, but till this day still cannot believe I had a beer with Robbie Keane