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Cheatski are still scum

Getting away from semantics and back to footy for a second, did anyone else wonder why on earth we let Vinnie go?
Maybe Richarlison is better but I back Vinnie to score a good few this season...

I don't anyone will ever regret that decision. Richarlison is leagues ahead in terms of quality.

If anything our error was scouting Vinicius not Nunez that summer.
When you say you're opposed to "some" fans using yid, would you care specify who you mean? That doesn't seem to match with you seemingly equating not everyone being "allowed" to use the N word as an attack on equality, which I will say forthrightly is such a disappointing stance to take as it doesn't allow for any appreciation of historical use of the word and also intention as Lilbaz says, but there's a tricky sweet spot with a little bit of awareness and acceptance of what's gone before. "I'm white and I should be able to use the n word" is such a weird / irrelevant direction to take the conversation in, but makes sense after your opening statement of it being seemingly okay to be semitic at football games shown to be obviously way off the mark.

"I suppose I'm just an old mug who doesnt like to see or hear people abused. I'd like to see clarity and same standards for all." - Such a bizarre self serving, catch all without making any actual points and aimless way to end your post which didn't acknowledge or answer anything that I said, happy to leave it here but please do realise how silly you are being by choosing to not back up anything you have actually said.

Edit - Also your point on "today's society" doesn't seem to acknowledge that language has been constantly evolving throughout time, it's not a new issue at all but has been amplified by the confirmation bias echo chamber that is social media / algorithms but hopefully with the right attitude (not exaggeration/ hysteria that imo you do display from time to time re race related matters or organizations not taking hate speech seriously) things can improve but humans are often clams* so we'll see how that one goes.

*Here's a chance to jump at being offended as you are a human so it's an easy out

I dont think it's right for anyone to use the n word nor do I think it's right to call someone a c word. As I said I come from a different time I dont believe that freedom of speak allows anyone to say what ever they like for a laugh or to create offence. Context can mean whatever any individual wants it to mean, who can tell what if anything is going on in the minds of others? All people should be treated with respect. Please dont ask me if Hitler, Stalin or any other despot/criminal should be treated with respect it would be a complete waste of your and my time but perhaps you just want to waste time in which case do but i will not respond and you can savour your victory.
I dont think it's right for anyone to use the n word nor do I think it's right to call someone a c word. As I said I come from a different time I dont believe that freedom of speak allows anyone to say what ever they like for a laugh or to create offence. Context can mean whatever any individual wants it to mean, who can tell what if anything is going on in the minds of others? All people should be treated with respect. Please dont ask me if Hitler, Stalin or any other despot/criminal should be treated with respect it would be a complete waste of your and my time but perhaps you just want to waste time in which case do but i will not respond and you can savour your victory.

Good lord mate I asked you to clarify your vague point about "some" fans who can use the Y word and instead you're answering ghosts yet again, despots and no one being able to use the n word, thank you for confirming that there's no point talking with you.

We all come from different times, that doesn't excuse your totally closed minded approach, show yourself respect by opening your mind - You have labelled a discussion as something one can win or lose by putting in yet another random unrelated point about me savouring a victory, which I don't fully understand. I openly admit when I don't understand things, perhaps you should try that sometime rather than taking a bury your head in the sand or irrelevance approach.
Getting away from semantics and back to footy for a second, did anyone else wonder why on earth we let Vinnie go?
Maybe Richarlison is better but I back Vinnie to score a good few this season...

At the start of the discussion it was about semitism rather than semantics but close enough ;)

Vinicius could be a solid striker for Conte (I don't see the partnership with Kane working at all though) but Richy has more flexibility across the front line and a way higher ceiling in my opinion - One has just been one of Brazil's best players in the WC with a potential puskas award winner and the other has...not?

You're still not quoting other people's posts properly, it makes the flow of chats a lot easier so just another helpful reminder, not sure if it's a device issue or user error but worth thinking about!
Getting away from semantics and back to footy for a second, did anyone else wonder why on earth we let Vinnie go?
Maybe Richarlison is better but I back Vinnie to score a good few this season...

I would have liked to have seen him stay for another season at least, what little of him we saw in our shirt was ok for sure.
I dont think it's right for anyone to use the n word nor do I think it's right to call someone a c word. As I said I come from a different time I dont believe that freedom of speak allows anyone to say what ever they like for a laugh or to create offence. Context can mean whatever any individual wants it to mean, who can tell what if anything is going on in the minds of others? All people should be treated with respect. Please dont ask me if Hitler, Stalin or any other despot/criminal should be treated with respect it would be a complete waste of your and my time but perhaps you just want to waste time in which case do but i will not respond and you can savour your victory.

No it can't. It's why we have judges and a legal system.

Mens rea has been a cornerstone of the western legal system for over 2000 years.
The Vinnie fee would have been massive, as has already been said.

We had Bergwijn by then as well, who is much better.
No it can't. It's why we have judges and a legal system.

Mens rea has been a cornerstone of the western legal system for over 2000 years.

Appreciate this as an add on to the discussion, it's not a term I'm familiar with despite having extensive experience with the court system (having done jury service as well as my own scrapes with the law) as well as various mental health struggles as well

It's always an easy go to example for going against what "the law" currently states but Rosa Parkes comes immediately to mind, was she mens Rea in sitting down on the bus when by law she was a criminal by choosing to do so?.

Apologies to @lurker of old if he/ she / they thinks this thread is better placed for discussion regarding current fulham strikers rather than an open exchange of knowledge
Appreciate this as an add on to the discussion, it's not a term I'm familiar with despite having extensive experience with the court system (having done jury service as well as my own scrapes with the law) as well as various mental health struggles as well

It's always an easy go to example for going against what "the law" currently states but Rosa Parkes comes immediately to mind, was she mens Rea in sitting down on the bus when by law she was a criminal by choosing to do so?.

Apologies to @lurker of old if he/ she / they thinks this thread is better placed for discussion regarding current fulham strikers rather than an open exchange of knowledge

Morality may change and laws may change to reflect that. Homosexuality being legalised...

But there has to be an objective view on what is right and wrong. What is legal. Or else it's chaos.
Morality may change and laws may change to reflect that. Homosexuality being legalised...

But there has to be an objective view on what is right and wrong. What is legal. Or else it's chaos.

But what is legal doesn't necessarily reflect what is moral, surely that's clear by admitting / acknowledging there was a time (not so long ago) when it was illegal for a black women to sit down on the bus no? So therefore what is legal doesn't equate to what is morally right, would that be correct?

If we can't admit our recent failures as a society that is somewhat terrifying, such revisionism to make one feel okay is a worry imo. It's not that long since the "No blacks, no Irish, no dogs" era