Steffen Freund
Mate, it's a sham. My family used to employ over 100 people and we gradually worked it down and ditched the business in particular about 3 years ago. Reason being that having staff is a nightmare. All the older generation were marvellous, I loved working with them every day. The young girls though were a nightmare. Not only were they mostly unreliable, they stole stuff, made bogus injury claims it didn't end. The final insult was a girl that we had brought through to management and helped out a lot personally decided to fudge off up the road without a by or leave.
A few months on and she has lost her job and comes knocking. We take her back and a week later she pulls out "I'm pregnant"... Well fudge me sideways, what a nice girl, she'd begged for her job back in order to get maternity leave, ****.
The company was doing OK, but it was brick like that that made us want to close it down and put the money and time into other businesses that didn't employ. We haven't got anyone to speak of now and I'll be keeping it that way.
as with any system, you will always have tacos like that that "play the system"
you have to have been employed by the same emlpoyer for 26 weeks into the 15th week before the baby is due - so she just played the system.
but we shouldnt put the well being of society and family down just because there are a few people like that
sadly we cant change genetics, so women will always have to give birth - but it is not possible for the majority of people to live and bring a baby into the world on one persons wage in this country, so people need to keep income coming in otherwise they become a burden on the state and the cycle of "beneift scroungers" increases, which the public AND BUSINESS has to pay for, but they wont see the it as a big picture like that.
everyone should contribute to society - and that includes business, as without society the business has no field in which to opperate