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Black Lives Matter

@wiziwig I am sure there are others who share your beliefs but aren't as forthright as yourself. It is interesting to hear what you think. I personally don't believe you are a nasty person. Only you said that.

My viewpoint is everyone should have a fair crack in life, and liberty is worth staking a claim for. Black people are almost second class citizens in the US which I find profoundly unjust, and I feel solidarity with those who are oppressed or trapped. The challenge in the UK is that racism is hidden. It is much less profound and harder to identify. But it is there, statistics show us there is inequality. And that's partly why I appreciate you being open. There is no thought police. If you have your beliefs no one is going to change them. So understanding them is the next best thing.

Studies have shown that different races are almost the same under the skin. There is little intellectual difference between people with different skin. There are dumb white people and black people. And there are intellectual black people, maths genesis etc. What is unfair is that often these potentially smart people are held back by prejudice.

All that said, on a cultural level, I understand that multiculturalism is a weird thing. We're designed to fight the outsider, not assimilate. We're designed to protect our own. But you, me everyone is a mixture of genes. The genetic history of the human race is one of strengthening through mixing. The neanderthals weren't wiped out by us humans, there were assimilated. Just look at Martin Keown :)
Estate agents are snobbery scumbags.
Wife and i got caught out when the house chain we were in collapsed meaning we had to rent between selling and buying. Combined income was enough for a £4000k mortgage, they were trying to put us in one room (not one bedroom, one room ffs) rental. All because I turned up straight from work looking scruffy.

Im pretty sure @scaramanga sacked someone for wearing a short sleeved shirt once.

I thought Scotland had a sealed bid property system.
Would you be willing to share your experiences of discrimination here?

I'll go first.
My Wexford-born Mum and my Tehran-born Father getting persistent brick from various corners of society throughout my childhood for being a mixed-race couple. My father being hounded out of his final job by prejudice which helped further his own mental health decline. Being given extra special treatment at some airports as my last name is Iranian. Those are just a few, offered in the spirit of sharing. There were many.

I'd be interested in yours.

First off, I don't block anyone. I may ignore your ramblings on occasions but I don't block you...

It’s a sad story about what happened to your father, I'm sure you’ve mentioned it before but it’s still sad to read again..

There will always be individual cases of racism, that's how it is ...I'm Cypriot, have an olive skin complexion and I've experienced it, not in the same way as you or your dad but we all have our own story.. My father taught me to always try looking at it in the eye, smile at it and when possible respond with either a sir, or a madam reply…

My father came to England from Cyprus in 1948 , he was 18...He was fortunate that his uncle and Aunt lived in Camden Town and were able to take him in...His first job was in Bounds Green , a glass factory and on dry weather days, he would walk to and from work so as to save on the travelling fare .. He also said that exploring different routes to Bounds Green was a stimulus to his mind..

At the Glass plant he worked hard, a bit too hard for the liking of certain workers … He was told by a handful of his work colleagues that he needs to slow it down or otherwise they will slow him down…He slowed it down but a few of them were still not happy so started the racial abuse… Soon, the Union representative was involved and my father was told by the comrade that he’s not on a slave plantation but now in England.. My father’s English at this point was not great. He was self teaching himself English and was picking the language up through his uncle, who in my father’s opinion, was one of the most well spoken of the English language, of all the Cypriots living in England at that time..

My father decided the glass factory wasn’t for him and it was time to jump in on the demand for home appliances.. He got a job working as a door to door salesman selling hoovers, in the Highgate and Hampstead area.. The company he worked for would have all the salesmen driven in a mini bus to an area and they’d be assigned roads and then report back at a certain time.. My father was a pretty slick looking dude suited up, white shirt black tie and greased back hair..By now his english was pretty good too.. He was a confident young man and the housewives of Highgate and Hampstead liked him, so he got lots of sales, doing best compared to his workmates..His employers were pleased with him but a couple of the other salesmen that shared the mini bus, not so much and sought to provoke him by racially abusing him..Fackin daygo. etc…

He told me there were other times but on the whole he loved the English people that he came into contact with and felt comfortable with them and in the future I feel his outlook helped me too..

I was 14 years of age and I thought I had found true love, an English girl who lived in Bethnal Green called Sally..I met her on a Sunday night at a dance club called, The Tottenham Royal.. My mate were like, you cant go to Bethnal Green to meet her, you'll get your ass kicked if your lucky.. I didn't care..

Every time I went to see her, her dad would open his front door to me, stare at me in a disdainful manner and without averting his stare, would shout out to his daughter that her wop friend was here! But I didn't get angry with him and when he barked out that he wanted his daughter home by 8pm, I would reply , yes, sure thing Mr Hinton sir.. Instead of 8pm I made sure to have her home by 7.45pm...This carried on for a few weeks..He’d open the door, Daygo boy, Wop lad 8pm , yes Mr Hinton sir etc..

After about a month Mr Hinton’s abuse of me seemed to be softening...I was now greeted with a begrudging,, “alright” …. Around the time of the second month of my seeing Sally….He opened the door and greeted me with a “hello son” and he was now inviting me in to show me his greenhouse plants. My father’s advice had paid off!

There’s been loads of other occasions and there have also been times where I’d faced racial abuse not from whites but from blacks, and threats too.. One occasion sticks out. I was 17-18 and very much into the Reggae scene, frequenting blues parties with a good friend of mine.. He would get abuse from the brothers for bringing a whitey to the party.. At one of these parties, I felt a kick to my calf and turned to see a black guy brandishing a hunting blade, he leaned over to my ear and just said that I gotta leave cos white boy was spoiling the vibe...I left!

I could go into other encounters experienced by myself and others too...For example.. On the days during the 90’s, I’d go with a mate to see Spurs play and we’d park in his brother’s allocated parking space near to WHL.. His brother used a motorbike so it was all good for us to slip in a small Mini next to his bike...He had a daughter and a son and in the space of a few months, the girl had her leather jacket taken off from her by a group of black girls, who’d threatened to slice up her pretty face if she didn’t hand it over..And a little later, her younger brother was relieved of his brand new trainers by some black lads and had to make his way back home in his socks! Telling two young white teenagers not to hold prejudices towards blacks, can be difficult in those circumstances...

I find it telling, that no white poster on here has come forward to let us know of their past experiences with another racial group...Reminds me of that Channel 4 programme, ‘The school that fought racism’ documentary...

Blimey that's a long post on reading it back ...I've even deleted plenty! :D

Apologies for droning on ...
@SpurMeUp I think you mean well but I believe you to be wrong ....

This Multiculturalism that we’re seeing is akin to the balkanised, Yugoslavia state version. and we know how that ended once the iron grip of communism fell away... You can try to persuade until you're blue in the face that there's good and bad in all people and all people deserve a chance, I get that but first and foremost I'm responsible for the well being of my family..Demographic change is so fast and there’s no need for assimilation, I see political identitarians hold sway pulling for their group rather than for the whole nation and it's only happening in the white nations..

We’re in dangerous times and there's more to this than what we know ...When were we asked? We were never asked…..Just be honest, we now have a lot of people living in European countries, not comfortable living in a majority controlled white country.. There are forces that are not seeking parity, but rather, seeking dominance..It’s a power grab, it's always a power grab..
Im pretty sure @scaramanga sacked someone for wearing a short sleeved shirt once.

I thought Scotland had a sealed bid property system.

Yes it does, three couples placed a bid on a house, we were honest and told the seller we had a house to sell. The "winner" of the bid lied that they had sold their house and signed the missives before telling the seller their sale had "fallen through".
After we sold our house the seller of the house we wanted came back to us and asked if we still wanted his, we said yes and he tried to get the other couple to back out but they wouldn't. Took another seven months for the sale to go through.
We had almost 20 years equity in our house, it had doubled in price so we could afford to set a realistic and attractive price for a quick sale. We did explain that at the time but he didn't believe us. Sold ours and moved into a rented flat in four months. He was still waiting for his to complete. Was a shame as he was a pretty nice guy.
I personally really, really appreciated you taking the time to detail your story mate. Your father sounds like a top man. I believe that with greater sharing and discussion in these arenas, we all learn a bit more about each other that might offer deeper perspective on some of the views expressed. I didn't find it "Droning on" at all, in fact it was a compelling read.

And I don't ramble, I pontificate!!!!! :) :D

Again, thanks for taking the time.

First off, I don't block anyone. I may ignore your ramblings on occasions but I don't block you...

It’s a sad story about what happened to your father, I'm sure you’ve mentioned it before but it’s still sad to read again..

There will always be individual cases of racism, that's how it is ...I'm Cypriot, have an olive skin complexion and I've experienced it, not in the same way as you or your dad but we all have our own story.. My father taught me to always try looking at it in the eye, smile at it and when possible respond with either a sir, or a madam reply…

My father came to England from Cyprus in 1948 , he was 18...He was fortunate that his uncle and Aunt lived in Camden Town and were able to take him in...His first job was in Bounds Green , a glass factory and on dry weather days, he would walk to and from work so as to save on the travelling fare .. He also said that exploring different routes to Bounds Green was a stimulus to his mind..

At the Glass plant he worked hard, a bit too hard for the liking of certain workers … He was told by a handful of his work colleagues that he needs to slow it down or otherwise they will slow him down…He slowed it down but a few of them were still not happy so started the racial abuse… Soon, the Union representative was involved and my father was told by the comrade that he’s not on a slave plantation but now in England.. My father’s English at this point was not great. He was self teaching himself English and was picking the language up through his uncle, who in my father’s opinion, was one of the most well spoken of the English language, of all the Cypriots living in England at that time..

My father decided the glass factory wasn’t for him and it was time to jump in on the demand for home appliances.. He got a job working as a door to door salesman selling hoovers, in the Highgate and Hampstead area.. The company he worked for would have all the salesmen driven in a mini bus to an area and they’d be assigned roads and then report back at a certain time.. My father was a pretty slick looking dude suited up, white shirt black tie and greased back hair..By now his english was pretty good too.. He was a confident young man and the housewives of Highgate and Hampstead liked him, so he got lots of sales, doing best compared to his workmates..His employers were pleased with him but a couple of the other salesmen that shared the mini bus, not so much and sought to provoke him by racially abusing him..Fackin daygo. etc…

He told me there were other times but on the whole he loved the English people that he came into contact with and felt comfortable with them and in the future I feel his outlook helped me too..

I was 14 years of age and I thought I had found true love, an English girl who lived in Bethnal Green called Sally..I met her on a Sunday night at a dance club called, The Tottenham Royal.. My mate were like, you cant go to Bethnal Green to meet her, you'll get your ass kicked if your lucky.. I didn't care..

Every time I went to see her, her dad would open his front door to me, stare at me in a disdainful manner and without averting his stare, would shout out to his daughter that her wop friend was here! But I didn't get angry with him and when he barked out that he wanted his daughter home by 8pm, I would reply , yes, sure thing Mr Hinton sir.. Instead of 8pm I made sure to have her home by 7.45pm...This carried on for a few weeks..He’d open the door, Daygo boy, Wop lad 8pm , yes Mr Hinton sir etc..

After about a month Mr Hinton’s abuse of me seemed to be softening...I was now greeted with a begrudging,, “alright” …. Around the time of the second month of my seeing Sally….He opened the door and greeted me with a “hello son” and he was now inviting me in to show me his greenhouse plants. My father’s advice had paid off!

There’s been loads of other occasions and there have also been times where I’d faced racial abuse not from whites but from blacks, and threats too.. One occasion sticks out. I was 17-18 and very much into the Reggae scene, frequenting blues parties with a good friend of mine.. He would get abuse from the brothers for bringing a whitey to the party.. At one of these parties, I felt a kick to my calf and turned to see a black guy brandishing a hunting blade, he leaned over to my ear and just said that I gotta leave cos white boy was spoiling the vibe...I left!

I could go into other encounters experienced by myself and others too...For example.. On the days during the 90’s, I’d go with a mate to see Spurs play and we’d park in his brother’s allocated parking space near to WHL.. His brother used a motorbike so it was all good for us to slip in a small Mini next to his bike...He had a daughter and a son and in the space of a few months, the girl had her leather jacket taken off from her by a group of black girls, who’d threatened to slice up her pretty face if she didn’t hand it over..And a little later, her younger brother was relieved of his brand new trainers by some black lads and had to make his way back home in his socks! Telling two young white teenagers not to hold prejudices towards blacks, can be difficult in those circumstances...

I find it telling, that no white poster on here has come forward to let us know of their past experiences with another racial group...Reminds me of that Channel 4 programme, ‘The school that fought racism’ documentary...

Blimey that's a long post on reading it back ...I've even deleted plenty! :D

Apologies for droning on ...
@wiziwig I am sure there are others who share your beliefs but aren't as forthright as yourself. It is interesting to hear what you think. I personally don't believe you are a nasty person. Only you said that.

My viewpoint is everyone should have a fair crack in life, and liberty is worth staking a claim for. Black people are almost second class citizens in the US which I find profoundly unjust, and I feel solidarity with those who are oppressed or trapped. The challenge in the UK is that racism is hidden. It is much less profound and harder to identify. But it is there, statistics show us there is inequality. And that's partly why I appreciate you being open. There is no thought police. If you have your beliefs no one is going to change them. So understanding them is the next best thing.

Studies have shown that different races are almost the same under the skin. There is little intellectual difference between people with different skin. There are dumb white people and black people. And there are intellectual black people, maths genesis etc. What is unfair is that often these potentially smart people are held back by prejudice.

All that said, on a cultural level, I understand that multiculturalism is a weird thing. We're designed to fight the outsider, not assimilate. We're designed to protect our own. But you, me everyone is a mixture of genes. The genetic history of the human race is one of strengthening through mixing. The neanderthals weren't wiped out by us humans, there were assimilated. Just look at Martin Keown :)

fudge off!!!!!!!! What a horrible thing to expect anyone to do voluntarily!!!!
Seeing @glasgowspur just now reminded me of this video...

Whats going on with all these Scottish :eek:Nationalistso_O and their Parliament on the whole...

William Wallace got hung drawn and quartered for these self loathing clams... And what about those two Asian SNP mp's ...Not sure I like their tone when they say huwhite!

@SpurMeUp I think you mean well but I believe you to be wrong ....

This Multiculturalism that we’re seeing is akin to the balkanised, Yugoslavia state version. and we know how that ended once the iron grip of communism fell away... You can try to persuade until you're blue in the face that there's good and bad in all people and all people deserve a chance, I get that but first and foremost I'm responsible for the well being of my family..Demographic change is so fast and there’s no need for assimilation, I see political identitarians hold sway pulling for their group rather than for the whole nation and it's only happening in the white nations..

We’re in dangerous times and there's more to this than what we know ...When were we asked? We were never asked…..Just be honest, we now have a lot of people living in European countries, not comfortable living in a majority controlled white country.. There are forces that are not seeking parity, but rather, seeking dominance..It’s a power grab, it's always a power grab..

There are many things I think we fundamentally disagree on (I see multiculturalism as the only way we avoid descending back to -at best- feudal times, at worst, caveman) but I have to say, the last line (bold-faced) is an intriguing point of discussion because I absolutely see that on the near-horizon, but what we have to wonder is if it is about power, parity or revenge? I'd say the primary heart for the majority (people like me) is parity, but there are certainly some extreme factions at work dividing and conquering at the edges of both sides (there have been several posts about the dangers of modern media). That adds up to a very dangerous time for sure.

The saddest bit of it all is that systemic racism is so rooted in modern culture that any push back against it cannot even achieve notice unless it is "loud"...and when there's volume involved, all sorts of people perk up. My wish is to see systemic racism rooted out (which h starts with each of us), parity in society without prejudice and a police force which is supplemented properly by less-armed and more medically-trained units and branches who are trained to deal with certain situations (that and a far better hiring criteria rather than just taking on any yahoo-prick who wants to show force).That, plus an enormous investment in public education and health. Sadly, I believe that is utopian right now, if not forever.
@wiziwig I am sure there are others who share your beliefs but aren't as forthright as yourself. It is interesting to hear what you think. I personally don't believe you are a nasty person. Only you said that.

My viewpoint is everyone should have a fair crack in life, and liberty is worth staking a claim for. Black people are almost second class citizens in the US which I find profoundly unjust, and I feel solidarity with those who are oppressed or trapped. The challenge in the UK is that racism is hidden. It is much less profound and harder to identify. But it is there, statistics show us there is inequality. And that's partly why I appreciate you being open. There is no thought police. If you have your beliefs no one is going to change them. So understanding them is the next best thing.

Studies have shown that different races are almost the same under the skin. There is little intellectual difference between people with different skin. There are dumb white people and black people. And there are intellectual black people, maths genesis etc. What is unfair is that often these potentially smart people are held back by prejudice.

All that said, on a cultural level, I understand that multiculturalism is a weird thing. We're designed to fight the outsider, not assimilate. We're designed to protect our own. But you, me everyone is a mixture of genes. The genetic history of the human race is one of strengthening through mixing. The neanderthals weren't wiped out by us humans, there were assimilated. Just look at Martin Keown :)

So utterly on-point IMO.
I personally really, really appreciated you taking the time to detail your story mate. Your father sounds like a top man. I believe that with greater sharing and discussion in these arenas, we all learn a bit more about each other that might offer deeper perspective on some of the views expressed. I didn't find it "Droning on" at all, in fact it was a compelling read.

And I don't ramble, I pontificate!!!!! :) :D

Again, thanks for taking the time.

And thanks for your kind words regarding my father. 90 years old - touch wood still got a few more years in him.... Yeah he's alright I suppose, bit of a lefty but alright..:)
@SpurMeUp I think you mean well but I believe you to be wrong ....

This Multiculturalism that we’re seeing is akin to the balkanised, Yugoslavia state version. and we know how that ended once the iron grip of communism fell away... You can try to persuade until you're blue in the face that there's good and bad in all people and all people deserve a chance, I get that but first and foremost I'm responsible for the well being of my family..Demographic change is so fast and there’s no need for assimilation, I see political identitarians hold sway pulling for their group rather than for the whole nation and it's only happening in the white nations..

We’re in dangerous times and there's more to this than what we know ...When were we asked? We were never asked…..Just be honest, we now have a lot of people living in European countries, not comfortable living in a majority controlled white country.. There are forces that are not seeking parity, but rather, seeking dominance..It’s a power grab, it's always a power grab..

Yugoslavia is interesting. Genetically do you think there is any difference between Serbs and Croats? People that have lived next to each other for thousands of years. Yugoslavia is not even what we'd normally call multiculturalism in an urban western sense. It was former nations unified into one. Serbian food is more or less Croat food. The Serbian language is the same as the Croat language - Serbo-Croat. Multiculturalism didn't cause the war and war crimes, therefore. So what did?

The Young of Yugoslavia had few problems with different ethnic groups that made up Yougoslavia and were comfortable as a unified nation. As usual, prejudices were with the old. This is replicated all over the world. Something happens as people get older, they retreat and become more prejudiced. Fascinating that. It is a biological reality. All over the world, the same thing occurs, people get older and turn into Alf Garnet!

So people who lived side by side, who shared the same language, the same culture, the same genes end up at war killing each other, committing rape and war crimes. What does this tell you? It should be that imagined classifications - in groups - them and us - is hugely powerful. Prejudices and classifications of people by simplistic labels are potentially dangerous. Discriminating based on your ingroup is best saved for sport, not for human interactions.

I would say most people in European nations appreciate living in such open fair societies. Whether descended from immigrants or classically European (what that is is another question) most appreciate it, and this notion of a power grab is nonsense. Only around 12m of Europe's 550m population is black.

Something happens as people get older, they retreat and become more prejudiced. Fascinating that. It is a biological reality. All over the world, the same thing occurs, people get older and turn into Alf Garnet!

It is odd or maybe how i do so many things differently to others but i got more liberal as i got older. Hatred of the EU sure and i stick up for myself when people blanket accuse me of racism. But im so much more care free, maybe because im financially secure.
It is odd or maybe how i do so many things differently to others but i got more liberal as i got older. Hatred of the EU sure and i stick up for myself when people blanket accuse me of racism. But im so much more care free, maybe because im financially secure.

Maybe that’s your secret. Focus it all on the EU, and keep the custard love flowing.

It is a generalisation. Not every older person becomes prejudiced, but with a large data set, there is a trend of it occurring in all countries ( bar Sweden actually). Shame winters are so cold otherwise a wonderful place. Great summer destination if you’ve got your Corona anti body.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
Yugoslavia is interesting. Genetically do you think there is any difference between Serbs and Croats? People that have lived next to each other for thousands of years. Yugoslavia is not even what we'd normally call multiculturalism in an urban western sense. It was former nations unified into one. Serbian food is more or less Croat food. The Serbian language is the same as the Croat language - Serbo-Croat. Multiculturalism didn't cause the war and war crimes, therefore. So what did?

The Young of Yugoslavia had few problems with different ethnic groups that made up Yougoslavia and were comfortable as a unified nation. As usual, prejudices were with the old. This is replicated all over the world. Something happens as people get older, they retreat and become more prejudiced. Fascinating that. It is a biological reality. All over the world, the same thing occurs, people get older and turn into Alf Garnet!

So people who lived side by side, who shared the same language, the same culture, the same genes end up at war killing each other, committing rape and war crimes. What does this tell you? It should be that imagined classifications - in groups - them and us - is hugely powerful. Prejudices and classifications of people by simplistic labels are potentially dangerous. Discriminating based on your ingroup is best saved for sport, not for human interactions.

I would say most people in European nations appreciate living in such open fair societies. Whether descended from immigrants or classically European (what that is is another question) most appreciate it, and this notion of a power grab is nonsense. Only around 12m of Europe's 550m population is black.


I think their differences were largely religious....The Serbians historically allied themselves to Russian Orthodoxy, where as the Croats are Catholics allied to Rome saw themselves more Germanic..Also during the Ottoman Empire the Serbs were largely mistreated compared to the Croats as it were they that were often were the front line against Muslim expansion in to Europe. And then there were Croat allegiance to Hitler during WWII where their fascist faction carried out atrocities against the Serbs who were more allied to the Soviets...

I don't believe people get nastier as they get older .. There's their disappointment of the reality of the society they now find themselves and yes fast demographic change is one reality that's not appreciated and they see the downsides ... ...

Also, most people are not well traveled and most people would like to stay and live their lives not to far from their offspring and grand children.. In many European countries this has not been the case, there's a family breakdown, less community, people don't stay together like they used to..EU free movement and all that...

Consumerism is not the answer and having young so called knowledgeable teenagers tell older people that they're racist and owe all that they have to slavery, whilst peering into their latest Chinese made Apple mobiles, just doesn't make older people happy.. University for far to many young people, has not improved young people and in fact it has made many youngsters of average I.Q. suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect...To many of them talk the same , think the same. They've learned to recite but have no critical thinking ...Well that's my old grumpy opinion...

There's the liberation for women, how has that worked out in terms of happiness.. I see a lot of childless cat ladies in the future.. I used to live in Walthamstow and I remember many of these Liberal lefty minded women and by the time they'd hit 35 and a couple of abortions it was to late for them to have a family ...I'd tell any young lad on here if they want to listen ..Stay way from these women, find yourself a traditional living woman and have a few children, it's the best thing...
You seen Pretty Woman, you know where they refuse to serve her because the way she's dressed?

Basically, i am embarking on my car search, and i absolutely will turn up looking scruffy. On purpose. I'm serious about buying, so let's see how they treat me in my trackies.
I think estate agents and car dealers will be receptive to anyone that's a potential buyer, regardless of looks or appearance.

It's a sh.it show out there at the moment.
Football commentators must address racial 'bias' says PFA


Does anyone else think the key takeways from this article are a load of gonad*s?

Theres a clear over-representation of home grown black players in the PL (compared to white players) when you look at the UK demographics. This is because black players are on average better than white players. you dont need to be einstein to figure out why this is. if you look at at the game as being a technical, mental, and physical sport - its clear where the avg. black player has a natural advantage (on average). theres no need to hide from this, or be embarrassed by it.

this means that the avg. black player can play at a level higher than his mental or technical skills would typically dicate. also, it means that the avg. white player requires slightly more technical or mental ability to compete with black players. again, why are people so afraid to admit this?!?

because of these differences, its natural that theres a slight bias towards praising a black player for his physical attributes, and a white player for his mental attributes. this isnt to say, a player like bale cant be praised for his physical attributes, and a player like seedorf can also be praised for his intelligence. however, it does mean that questioning walcotts footballing brain is more than justifiable, and questioning if dawson is mobile enough for the pl is ok too (just like it would be for huddlestone).

another article showing that the bbc has lost the plot (along with half the world it seems)!
There are many things I think we fundamentally disagree on (I see multiculturalism as the only way we avoid descending back to -at best- feudal times, at worst, caveman) but I have to say, the last line (bold-faced) is an intriguing point of discussion because I absolutely see that on the near-horizon, but what we have to wonder is if it is about power, parity or revenge? I'd say the primary heart for the majority (people like me) is parity, but there are certainly some extreme factions at work dividing and conquering at the edges of both sides (there have been several posts about the dangers of modern media). That adds up to a very dangerous time for sure.

The saddest bit of it all is that systemic racism is so rooted in modern culture that any push back against it cannot even achieve notice unless it is "loud"...and when there's volume involved, all sorts of people perk up. My wish is to see systemic racism rooted out (which h starts with each of us), parity in society without prejudice and a police force which is supplemented properly by less-armed and more medically-trained units and branches who are trained to deal with certain situations (that and a far better hiring criteria rather than just taking on any yahoo-prick who wants to show force).That, plus an enormous investment in public education and health. Sadly, I believe that is utopian right now, if not forever.

May I ask if you think racism is specific to white people only? For me to see Van Jones a CNN contributor pointing to his head and say that there is a "racist virus in white peoples heads and we need to cut it out" is a dangerous talk and incitement to violence, well wouldn't it be if a white man said something similar about black people? This man has made millions out of playing the race card and stoking up racial tensions is his profitable business. I believe he has numerous books out there that have earned him millions of $....

You're right there's a big discussion to be had on this power grab but I think I'm going to bow out of it ... I think we have shifted to a place where wrong think is jumped on in a serious way..A Stalinist era, where he who is seen, to be the first to not be clapping, that is if you're not showing loyalty to the cause never mind being a dissenting voice, you will suffer in a big way..

Take that Jake Kepple guy, the man who flew the White Lives Matter banner. The police have stated that no laws were broken by him… Yet he’s been sacked from his job by his employers and now so too has his wife, for something her husband did! They have a mortgage so their friends tried to set up a crowdfund for them both, but they were refused by all the companies approached.. This white working class man, whatever you think of him , knuckle dragging macaron did you say? Has he a right to his opinion so long as his not inciting violence a White Lives Matter opinion at that... Yet people who have recently been arrested for causing an affray and vandalism on these protest marches, have since been released without charge!

We have a situation, where the MSM have been bombarding the population with thousands of Black Lives Matter imagery and voices, on behalf of the movement are given a wall to wall platform, and go unchallenged..One white Englishman, in his own country living in one of the country's poorest areas expresses his right to free speech with one banner, that harms nobody but some people's feelings and he’s vilified and damned for it.

I don't think it's parity.
Football commentators must address racial 'bias' says PFA


Does anyone else think the key takeways from this article are a load of gonad*s?

Theres a clear over-representation of home grown black players in the PL (compared to white players) when you look at the UK demographics. This is because black players are on average better than white players. you dont need to be einstein to figure out why this is. if you look at at the game as being a technical, mental, and physical sport - its clear where the avg. black player has a natural advantage (on average). theres no need to hide from this, or be embarrassed by it.

this means that the avg. black player can play at a level higher than his mental or technical skills would typically dicate. also, it means that the avg. white player requires slightly more technical or mental ability to compete with black players. again, why are people so afraid to admit this?!?

because of these differences, its natural that theres a slight bias towards praising a black player for his physical attributes, and a white player for his mental attributes. this isnt to say, a player like bale cant be praised for his physical attributes, and a player like seedorf can also be praised for his intelligence. however, it does mean that questioning walcotts footballing brain is more than justifiable, and questioning if dawson is mobile enough for the pl is ok too (just like it would be for huddlestone).

another article showing that the bbc has lost the plot (along with half the world it seems)!

Im not saying i disagree with you. But a sh*t storm is brewing and coming your way fella.