awesome dawson
Chris Armstrong
Ok see this is what I do not get (and again, i'm not on Twitter so i don't sit in a bubble). Maybe i'm merging several threads into one here...
This is a "centre-right" government, same as Germany for example. How can it be, that Germany, with a population of 20m more people and also governed by a centre right government, can record 8K deaths, and the UK has 40K? How can people think "yeh, not bad from the Tories".
The Cummings affair. Why couldn't they just say "Yeh, it was wrong, sorry". How that would have closed off the issue. They literally just shat on the entire country with their "no it was legal" despite knowing full well it was a crock of sh1t. I'd have respected them far more for an apology and reprimand rather than this doubling down of a nonsensical eye test for 30 mins drive with a 4 year old in the car. I am sure you know this too, yet for some unknown reason, cannot seem to criticise this government or accept any wrong doings.
Blows my mind, truly. I have voted Tories, Lib Dems and Labour in my life and I can happily criticise all 3, and there's definitely twitter circles on left and right that refuse to see things out of that bubble (Corbyn, jeez), but how anyone can think this Government has done a good job despite the wide ranging facts on the table they have completely roostered this up across the board, seem unable to even criticise or call them out on it.
Cummings clearly has dirt on Johnson.
My score would be a 3/10. Hard to see which areas they did well in.