the prettiest spice girl
I need some advice and have trawled the web but just need some confirmation so to speak.
Basically I got a job a while ago and had signed a contract. I now, two weeks before starting want to terminate the contract - yes I know it is unethical etc but so much has happened in the last two months (I had to work three months notice) that I do not want the job anymore - circumstances beyond my control. Now I had one of two choices, turn up on the first day and hand in my one weeks notice (it is one week in the first month) or notify the new company that I do not want the job and risk legal ramifications - which I dont think they would do as they havent really incurred any costs except for recruitment which is contingent on me starting and as I havent started - the company is not liable to pay the agency etc.
Anyone ever terminated a contract before commencing employment? if so, any ramifications?
Any advice would be helpful.
You could just have some fun, turn up in a dress or a nazi outfit or just act like a complete nutter and freak people out.