You bring out the best in me mate ;-)
The truth is, football makes a hypocrite of every man. I am no different. I hated Redknapp for years prior to his arrival. I knew he was coming a few days before he was announced, thus had time to engage my hypocrite-side and gear up to get behind the man as he was OUR manager (just like I got behind Gallas despite hating him, ditto Ade - love them both now, forgot I ever called them a pair of ****s repeatedly once upon a time!!!!!!

I was always aware of how he deals with things and how he runs his clubs, and
was worried from the get-go about trouble between him and Levy (very different philosophies)...I saw Harry reinvigorate our squad, get the money to add the experience and club knowledge necessary and make a few vital signings at their times. In short, I learned to like him beyond football hypocrisy. I then watched him take his eye off the ball and start behaving like he has done at all his other clubs (also when he doesn't get his way in the market)...I got disappointed. The disappointment got greater and greater as some of the stuff he was up to leaked around the back-alleys of N17...I believed in him to get us to great places, and I suppose, if I'm brutally honest, the fact that I checked my dislike of him and invested full faith in him only to see that he was, in fact, not going to be able to deliver precisely because of the style of man/manager he is was incredibly disappointing.
I then found myself seeing all sorts of vehement comments regarding anyone questioning him, and thus (as King and I have discussed -we have similar tendencies in this sense) I dug in and argued the toss from the other side.
I see AVB as a very exciting, ambitious, young, hungry, progressive and hard-working manager/coach, someone who is dedicated to the club, someone who carries themselves well in public and someone who protects the ENTIRE club. He does not drop snide comments about the chairman, he does not drop snide comments about the players, he keeps it all in house and he presents an honest, intelligent front. So I am unashamedly supportive of him, and have been since I first told my mate I hoped he got the job the eve of May 13th 2012.
It really is a chat I hope we can one day have over a pint or few.