Gudni Bergsson
I think it's years of crossing to Darren Bent then Frazer Campbell then Roman Pavlyuchrnko then Roberto Soldado that have put that frown in place
I think it's years of crossing to Darren Bent then Frazer Campbell then Roman Pavlyuchrnko then Roberto Soldado that have put that frown in place
This is a rarity for JTG
But aside from this rare gem, his Leeds United team pic and team pics with us is the same serious expression. Not unhappy, serious. Can't believe people are slating someone for not smiling....oh yeah sorry, I forgot that this is the same world where Victoria Beckham's facial expression was paparazzi gold.
Who is criticising him for not smiling?
Lennon does look tinkleed off there. Wouldn't anyone if they had to move to that city.
Not me; I really like the place. Great architecture, fantastic musical heritage, passionate fans, great pubs and clubs. I generally find the whole "they are a lot friendlier up north" claim to be a myth, but not in Liverpool, in my experience.
Yes, the locals can be chippy (or assertive, if you prefer), overly sentimental and there is a very definite sense that they believe nowhere in the world is as good as the patch of earth where they live but as a Yorkshireman Lennon probably understands that viewpoint.
Though I suspect he will go the way of Michael Owen in terms of fitness, I shall miss the Roadrunner. His first half performance playing centrally behind the front two in the first half against Chel53a under Jol was a hint of how he might have developed had he not been pigeon-holded as an out-and-out winger.
But isn't that the point; most managers we've had since Jol have tried to not pigeon-hole him as an out-and-out winger and seek to develop him into a difefrent kind of player. It's his inability to develop in this way that has ultimately led to his stagnation. Not to talk of his injuries and apparent drinking lifestyle.
It is sad that he didn't develop beyond the out-and-out winger style but that was mostly his fault imo. For example, it hasn't stopped Bale has it?
I remember Jol playing him on the left for a while no?
Poch used him well in preseason (through middle), and in the Everton game (probably why they wanted him), he was a handful in his usual role.
I don't buy a lot of the complaints leveled at Lennon, to me, there are 3 areas that he has issues with
- He gets injured, nature of pace players, it takes him about 4-6 games post return to get back to full tilt (and a lot of game people point to, fall in that category)
- He needs the team to get the ball to him early, so he can isolate the FB, if we fudge around with slow possession it hurts his effectiveness, hence a lot of times, when we play well (better tempo, faster passing), Lennon plays well.
- The last piece is more about promise, he should have figured out to be a little smarter with his game, that next step. A lot of that has to go with the managers/coaches he had, the amount of times I've seen Lennon get a FB booked in first 30 minutes of game, and not (with team help) continue to isolate that FB . also runs at far post or the occasional cut in should have got him a few more goals.
But he always put in a shift, the bogus crud about no end product will probably never leave him, good luck, hope he tears it up, Lennon in flight in still one of the more exciting sights in the PL
So then if Poch used him well in preseason, why do you think Poch was seemingly so eager to get rid of him?
No idea, Poch played a very different game in preseason, vs. what we started the season with (partially, and maybe as mistake he went right to the Kaboul/Capoue/Ade lot)
We played pressing in preseason (didn't see that in PL for months), the CM's covered the FBs when they went forward (not sure I see this yet), and the pace players (Lennon/Townsend) actually made runs through the middle (something I still don't really see, maybe he tries to do with Paulinho? who isn't quick)
I think Poch sometimes shows that stubbornness of "system" managers that can be dangerous, he's very hooked up on the inverted play and not seeing he has an option (and to me, this is the big fudge up, its only an option, Lennon isn't demanding a first team spot) off the bench. I look at our bench now, and not many I would prefer to have come on the field if we are chasing a team over Lennon.
You'd think Everton would be able to get a nice pic of him. Letting the player down. Maybe they want to get his transfer price down!
Hope he does well for them. Especially against our rivals.
Tongue in cheek quip from Martinez