Chris Jones
I disagree. Just because we've done OK without Rose, doesn't mean we haven't missed him. The logic is flawed.I genuinely do not believe that. Not one bit.
I think it is far to close to call to make such an absolute statement.
The team hasnt skipped a beat in Roses absence. Hasnt suffered offensively. Has been better defensively. And by any reasonable assessment we havent been looking at a glaring deficiency of any kind on the left side in Roses absence.
If Rose was superior in almost every aspect surely we should expect to "obviously" miss him.
We simply havent.
Goals for/against and points per game are more or less the same with either player.
The difference between the players is in style, no more. Rose catches the eye, makes more runs, shows his pace. Davies is much more understated, passes more than runs, doesnt get noticed as much. Ultimately though productivity wise, there is barely anything to choose between them.
Put it this way, much like with Walker, if Rose was sold I wouldnt lose any sleep over it at all. Thats not to say I dont rate him, or that I think Davies is superior - just that I dont think we would miss him (as we havent the last 8 months).
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