If you live in the UK, you already do live in this World. The law is very clear on this matter. There is much case law about this. The test is not what he intended but how others perceived it and whether that perception was reasonable.
As for my agenda, I am not sure what it is, other than a hope for Spurs to have higher standards any other club.
It seems that I started all this off yesterday

I voiced concerns/reservations about what he supposedly said (based on what I had read elsewhere, rather than any detailed knowledge of the French language). There is clearly an alternative translation, as posted by
@Daisuk, which makes this all a storm in a teacup
if that translation is true, in which case a disservice has been done to Aurier (at least as far as homophobic comments are concerned. He still should not have slagged off his manager/team mates in such a public forum but that is another issue and hopefully a mistake that won't be repeated).
If in the UK he did a live interview and called someone a faggot,
in English, then he would be rightly condemned for using that kind of language;
If in the UK he did a live interview and called someone a softie/pussy/wimp,
in English, then apart from the inappropriateness of making any such comment, no one would care about the actual words.
The point is that we here - unless fluent french speakers - cannot know for sure what he said/intended, may therefore be wrong to perceive it as hateful/homophobic, and therefore can't apply UK law to it.