Lemonade Money
Re: Official Match Threads - A New Beginning
No minimum number of posts required?
No minimum number of posts required?
No minimum number of posts required?
9. Thou shalt not start an OMT be thou not a known member of this forum.
I am legend. Just sayin' like.
OMT with Gifters Orgonite something like W17-D2-L3
Plebs :-"
well the real question then, is - why have you been so lax in posting it the past season or so?
could have got us CL this had you put the effort in - hope to see a return in the coming season
Even in a season I only felt it right about 5x or less, I gave you Utd away, Emirates Marketing Project home (I think), our first Win... Undefeated (5-0-0 I believe, though might be a draw in there).
But my energies must be elsewhere these times. Much to the boards loss! :-#
Bitches, please. As if I'm scared of the OMT Gods.
If they were so fudging tough, they'd come round my house and smash my face into the keyb(73@;?&0@;(@@hdidjgrykbdicllshrofkdhafi$4936.!@":$/(7&!
Quite sorry I had to do that to your keyboard Aurora.
just read this! :ross: :ross:
So seeing as I'm a forum legend based on the green bars, and seemingly the only one from what I can tell. What the bloody hell is that based on??
So seeing as I'm a forum legend based on the green bars, and seemingly the only one from what I can tell. What the bloody hell is that based on??