Silly McSilly Face
Clive Wilson
By managing a season and managing a game i mean taking your foot off the accelerator in games and in training to get players through the season. My point is precisely that it's pretty much unheard of for a club to have our level of injuries. But we had this last season too where we hit a brick wall of fitness just after that Chelsea game where pretty much half the team was missing for much of the rest of the season and our form went down the toilet as a result.Happy to accept that part of the reason for so many injuries could be on Ange and his demands but the every team has injuries thing is gonads, we aren't just talking about an injury here and there - do you want to show me another team that has their first choice goalkeeper, and both first choice centre backs out at the same time along with other first teamers out and backups getting suspended/injured too?
It's all well and good saying Ange should just manage a season but when there's that many absences along with having to try and remain competitive it's really not as simple as some of you lot like to make out with a squad that really isn't as good as some like to believe....
So it doesn't appear to be a coincidence.