Gutter Boy
Tim Sherwood
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It's always been Green Party policy
Brexit was in the 1983 Labour manifesto (7th bullet), and others too

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It used to be Green Party policy a long time back. It is obvious why they changed tack on this from a climate perspective and are pro-EU now.It's always been Green Party policy
Brexit was in the 1983 Labour manifesto (7th bullet), and others too
They were still leave until the mid 2010s. An in-out referendum was in their 2010 manifesto (not 2015 though)It used to be Green Party policy a long time back. It is obvious why they changed tack on this from a climate perspective and are pro-EU now.
Europe is going right, while we are going left. Bona fide fascists now in government in Hungary, Slovakia, Italy and soon France. Marine Le Pen will be presiding over the Olympics in a few weeks time. Scary
They were still leave until the mid 2010s. An in-out referendum was in their 2010 manifesto (not 2015 though)
In Britain, his current position is called ‘Being electable.’ I’ll judge him once he’s in. At the moment he’s playing a game.Left? I don't think Starmer is left at all. Left of the Tories isn't left.
It's always been Green Party policy
Brexit was in the 1983 Labour manifesto (7th bullet), and others too
How many of those do you think they would have done if they got elected?
Manifesto is what they say to get elected, what they actually do is a whole other matter.
Only recent election pledge I can remember being followed up on is "get Brexit done", and the least said about that the better.
Playing a game by just checking his cardsIn Britain, his current position is called ‘Being electable.’ I’ll judge him once he’s in. At the moment he’s playing a game.
He is better then the Conservatives but anyone thinking the will be a drastic change will be disappointed. But with Labour we should get a grown up functioning government which is more then we have had for years.In Britain, his current position is called ‘Being electable.’ I’ll judge him once he’s in. At the moment he’s playing a game.
He is better then the Conservatives but anyone thinking the will be a drastic change will be disappointed. But with Labour we should get a grown up functioning government which is more then we have had for years.
In Britain, his current position is called ‘Being electable.’ I’ll judge him once he’s in. At the moment he’s playing a game.
Tbf there is no solution.More stability and less scandal certainly but I don't expect much to change. They've boxed themselves in on taxes. I mean he even says it himself, stability is change.
Tbf there is no solution.
We need to raise the tax take to pay for 'on their knees' services but the increase in the government debt pile and the escalation in costs of servicing that debt put us between a rock and a hard place.
Labour just need to do what they can and be honest and transparent about it...just that will resonate with people.
What I said they should do 'wont resonate'....or what you said they always do 'wont resonate'?I don't think it will resonate, for as long as I can remember governments promise world class public services with US style levels of tax. Actually growing the economy would help but is only a partial solution.
What I said they should do 'wont resonate'....or what you said they always do 'wont resonate'?
You have to look at it against the political backdrop then.How many of those do you think they would have done if they got elected?
Manifesto is what they say to get elected, what they actually do is a whole other matter.
Only recent election pledge I can remember being followed up on is "get Brexit done", and the least said about that the better.
He is better then the Conservatives but anyone thinking the will be a drastic change will be disappointed. But with Labour we should get a grown up functioning government which is more then we have had for years.
You have to look at it against the political backdrop then.
That's pre the Thatcher, Reagan neo liberalism acceleration.
The country was a mess. The 80s, 90s, 00s, up to the 2008/09 financial crash were a boom time, built on unsustainable principles.
Look at the themes:
- Decent pay
- Funding for vital services (see the Care system now)
- Lack of investment and - Unfair competition for foreign competition
(Neo liberalism (Tory and Blair) chose to allow mass foreign investment and not implement EU laws around foreign investment and foreign workers)
- EEC draining natural resources and job (that's really interesting. Would love to understand more about that.)
- The North needs help because we focus on London, aka Northern Development Fund, or Levelling Up.
- NHS staff underpaid, increase pay
- And the easy one; nuclear deterrent. We don't like it. We don't want. We'll get rid of it - when we can....but we never can, because that's how Game Theory works
A lot of that is still relevant now.
The EEC position is interesting; it's almost like the actions of 1980-2009 created an unsustainable position and then a frog man came along, used the EU as a straw man (instead of pointing towards i. UK Gov decisions (he couldn't, "Rule Britiania"! and ii. The banking sector (don't bite the hand that feeds you) for all the issues, and people fell for it.