Cecil Poynton
French McD is lovely.Don’t worry there’s a McDonald’s down the road [emoji1787]
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French McD is lovely.Don’t worry there’s a McDonald’s down the road [emoji1787]
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It is though isn't it, so much better than our slopFrench McD is lovely.
Good change to the laws about those dangerous dogs.
Drug dealers, gangsters and profit breeders are obviously upset but its the right decision
the issue is not about the breed. It’s about the breeders and the owners, there is now going to be an influx of XL bully’s in shelters through no fault of their own. Many of whom will be put down because they won’t be adopted, once the ban come into place they will be put down as soon as they are given to the shelter.
The XL bullies have suffered greatly because they were being bred for size and look and very little or no attention was given to temperament. Proper licensing should be put into place.
licence all breeders and ban all advertising for puppies unless the breeder is verified to have a license. Make the breeders conduct health and temperament checks and place part of the liability on them if something happens to a dog they sell.
What is happening now is a to quickly plaster over the issue without addressing the issue. Richie looks good because he is seen as doing something… but it’s just distraction and not much else.
Last year there was 9 deaths due to dog attacks (all dogs not just XL bullies) 9 to many no doubt, but there was also 300 odd deaths due to stabbings.
Of course, I get that, but the fact they were bred for violence is in itself kinda the point I made. I get they didn't choose to be bred that way but they now exist.
I get the shelter thing and I'm not heartless, I just think there are 1000s of breeds of dogs, easily more domesticated and safer regardless of the mental gymnastics I've read online trying to even the balance on other breeds, people just seem adamant to die on a hill for this breed. The cynic in me thinks it's status because they like them dangerous and threatening, that's no reason enough for them to be around, even with a license.
People online are comparing them to guns as some kind of defence...that's bonkers for me
XL bullies weren’t actually breed for violence, where do you get that from? I read a statistic that in the US most dog bites come from Labradors. The US is actually the place where XL bullies come from. You
The problem is the breeders predominantly. I read an article that there is a significant percentage of XL bullies in the Uk that comes from an American stud that has a history of producing aggressive dogs, not all his pups were aggressive but a significant percentage was. So much so that American breeder (ethnically sound ones at least) stopped using his stud services. Why was he so popular as a stud? Because he consistently produced large dogs. This was amplified by interbreeding with family to make the dogs more and more ‘hench’ and therefore desirable. This was again amplified in the Uk because of the small gene pool.
If the article is correct then that’s one of the reason for the high amount of XL bully attacks on other dogs and people. The other is that the kind of people that are attracted to breeds that look like that are possibly not the most responsible of owners.
but none of the above is a reason why you should ban a breed, if a percentage of the population is in fact affected by that stud then temperament test the dogs. Don’t commit a whole breed to death because of unscrupulous breeders
But that's my point, people wanted them because they were big and dangerous, protection and a threat. You only have to look at the demographic of those who want or defend them.
If a dofs bread to be a certain way, for its size and almost certainly for its aggressive temperament then that's an issue surely?
I have no doubt labs bite more people because there are probably 10s of millions more in the world, I can't remember too many stories of them pulling babies out of cots or killing people with lock jaw like variations of these breeds though.
Maybe cold but I'm not sentimental about dog breeds or specific ones, I do know that some are more dangerous than others though and considering they are pets and pets are somewhat of a luxury, not sure I'm overly worries about a banning of a certain breed on safety grounds.
No disrespect, but you are sounding quite ignorant here. the XL bully standard doesn’t breed for aggression, the majority don’t make particularly good guard dogs in fact.
Im in here defending them, what demographic do I sit in?
lock jaw?? You really have fallen for newspaper shît. No dog has a lock jaw it’s just hysterical bôllocks, it doesn’t exist.
you might not be bothered about banning on safety grounds, but the point is, it doesn’t fix the problem.
what I’m suggesting will. And if you look at organisations like RSPCA and dogs trust they are also against specific breed bans.
The laws need a rethink on dangerous dog ownersGood change to the laws about those dangerous dogs.
Drug dealers, gangsters and profit breeders are obviously upset but its the right decision
They have lost their jobs nowHappened during yesterdays game between Sheffield W and Sunderland.
As the thread title says - what is wrong with people.
It's true. It's pretty fudging serious.
It's true. It's pretty fudging serious.
All to stop a peace deal going ahead in the Middle East.
The Saudis are agreeing a peace deal with Israel. Regardless of what they're getting in return, more peace is better.I'm not sure about that. The Saudis were about to sell them out in exchange for America continuing to turn a blind eye to their human rights abuses.