Michael Carrick
Yes totally agree with this.
He took the worse Man U team in decades to second in the league and winning the Europa league.
He has also at times in his career coached teams to play different types of football. At the moment he is just doing the best with what he has. I think if he is given a full year we will see an improvement in style. I say this as someone who decided to go out for the second half on Saturday. Im neither a hater or a lover but lets give the guy who has been a success time to improve the team.
So much of the criticism of him seems to come from ex pros now doing punditry work. To be fair Mourinho has himself to blame with the whole special one nonsense he did when he was younger. This is why I tell my son, how you behave now will impact on how people view you in later life, whether you like it or not.
huh!! Hold up!! Jose's criticism also comes from the mentality of the team. Spurs has at times played scared e.g. Leipzip match. I didnt understand why the team played defensively. Leipzig is a better 'TEAM' than us = yes but we were at home. Also Jose has a problem vs 3 man defence formations. His record against such is awful.