Vic Buckingham
So, hearing that Beko are one of our rumored sponsors next season, I see that there is also talk of Quatar Airlines or Gulf Air taking the new stadium naming rights...
IF either of those entities/governments for countries from which they come, wanted to pledge a huge investment into our club for part-ownership, would you be in favor? Would you accept seeing that cash-flow coming in from basically a similar source to Emirates Marketing Project? Especially given how it could absolutely allow us to pay the likes of Adebayor, Bale and Modric the conga to stay PLUS entice some huge names to join i.e. put us into the "next level" wage category?
I am torn. I dream of a day like City had last Sunday, but not in a new 60,000 seat mega-million dome, no, in our very own 36,000 capacity White Hart Lane, yet know deeeeeeeep down that is just absurd idealist thinking which will never happen.
so there is a side of me that says yes, take the money if it's there because this side with additions has what it takes...there again, I love the fact we are one of the last holdouts. Looking at the top 6, we have the smallest ground capacity by 8-9000!!!!!
IF either of those entities/governments for countries from which they come, wanted to pledge a huge investment into our club for part-ownership, would you be in favor? Would you accept seeing that cash-flow coming in from basically a similar source to Emirates Marketing Project? Especially given how it could absolutely allow us to pay the likes of Adebayor, Bale and Modric the conga to stay PLUS entice some huge names to join i.e. put us into the "next level" wage category?
I am torn. I dream of a day like City had last Sunday, but not in a new 60,000 seat mega-million dome, no, in our very own 36,000 capacity White Hart Lane, yet know deeeeeeeep down that is just absurd idealist thinking which will never happen.
so there is a side of me that says yes, take the money if it's there because this side with additions has what it takes...there again, I love the fact we are one of the last holdouts. Looking at the top 6, we have the smallest ground capacity by 8-9000!!!!!