Looks absolutely amazing
Cheers...some parts of the ground I suppose could be improved,like the seats in the west and east stand that join the south stand..you,ll be looking at a wall instead of the screens and the whole of the south stand. That would have been a dynamic view!
Anyway it's our Stadium now an better than most...CoySpurs.....
I asked this before...I assume they are filling in the South Stand with glass before it opens, right?
Looks absolutely amazing otherwise. Cannot wait.
What do you mean exactly? There's already glass around the exterior of the south stand.
I’m probably looking at it wrong, just looked to me like it wasn’t filled in yet.
I have, this is just overspill. There's so much brickness that it doesn't all fit in one thread.
View attachment 5075 View attachment 5074 View attachment 5073 View attachment 5072
Just look at these bad boys, and it’s not even fully lit up and finished.
I'll have you know many, many people respect my very, very big brain.You like to claim you're an intelligent man but this sentence is borderline Trump-like.
I'll have you know many, many people respect my very, very big brain.
Just to clarify, we try and keep the Sissoko stuff in one thread, but there just isn't room in one thread to describe what a terrible footballer he is.
Weird shaped, furry ding ding.Same weird shaped ding ding as well?
annoying me that they have done the seating at the top of the single tier stand. FILL IT IN!