David Ginola
There has to be some good Brexit news!? Has to be. Something! Anything....?
There has to be some good Brexit news!? Has to be. Something! Anything....?
Isn't adequate food and seeing the benefits in 50 years enough for you?
To be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a European nurse in a hospital. All the ones I've noticed have usually been something like Afrikaans
Perhaps it's like the great EU student myth - i.e that there actually were many European students, when in fact international students have long all been Chinese, Malaysians and Americans
I actually think the potential food and meds crisis is overblown - we will find ways to ensure supply short term and of course long term. The point is, Brexit makes things harder, and more costly, for no return. For what? For a concept - Sovereignty - that is particularly hard to define.
European nations are the most culturally distinct. Why have people become obsessed by some random notion called 'sovereignty'? Its a legal entity that doesn't translate well into a political one. You might like this https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bcglx0 its a bit more light hearted.
I've known plenty of Portuguese, Spanish and Italian nurses but really our first hand experience is immaterial.
I have said this before bur What's best for the union differs if the UK is in the union or if the UK is out of the union.
If the UK is in the union. They also have a responsibilty to us. If we are out. They don't.
The small concessions will be... Um... small. Nothing like ending freedom of movement etc. Maybe easing some of our concerns and that of other countries with similar concerns.
You think we can cope with a 4% fall in NHS staff? you probably do, waste etc. - its a reduction 45% of foreign NHS staff (35% excluding Ireland)So not many then. Excluding Irish (who would be here anyway by virtue of the common travel area), that's not enough to fill old WHL. 4% of the workforce
Yes - and how do we get back in?
If - as it is coming to seem - its a political decision, why assume a forgive and forget option?
The union, with regard to us, will want more - they will want us all in, IMO - not the arms length outsider we have always been.
They would be foolish not to, and their negotiating manner so far suggests exactly what Im saying.
And - lets flesh this out - small concessions, what have you got?
You have this idea that we can go for a second referendum, and that the EU can offer us a pretty deal to swing it your way - what is it?
As we both know FOM wont be on the table, what do you suppose they can do to make us vote that way?
I get told Im wishful thinking, just saying what I want as if it will happen - what do you suppose this looks like?
You think we can cope with a 4% fall in NHS staff? you probably do, waste etc. - its a reduction 45% of foreign NHS staff (35% excluding Ireland)
I'd just recruit them via a needs-based skilled work permit system - the same as the Indians, Philippinos and other 85% of the world
Except we are not discussing the fact we have stopped recruiting them but the fact less are choosing to come.
First what I am saying is based on us not leaving. As in we don't leave and our government is competent enough (lol) to use the carrot of a second referendum for the EU to then grant us some small consessions.
If we leave and then try to join again, say 5 years down the line you are right the EU will not give us it on our same terms... It will be all in or they will reject our membership.
What are the small consessions? Well as the main concern is freedom of movement. Maybe a optional yearlyCap on immigration (which we will want to exceed, because wage inflation is actually a fear of the British not so eu's)
Except we are not discussing the fact we have stopped recruiting them but the fact less are choosing to come.
Except we are not discussing the fact we have stopped recruiting them but the fact less are choosing to come.