Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
At the beginning of this thread on the old board, I said this problem was all of Liverpool and Suarez's doing
- All they needed to do once the FA decided to investigate was publically apologize, state it was a "cultural misunderstanding" that had been explained to Luiz, he's deeply sorry for offending anyone and understands the role model he is. Add a donation to a anti racism group to that, the incident would have been over, 3 match ban would have been the max and we wouldn't be talking about it today.
- Intsead, Saurez, Pool, their scummy fans and even people on this board have tried to blame Evra (the victim), use the "I can't be a racist because I have black friends" (or some variant of) excuse, all the things that keep painting a picture of people who are either really racist, or completely out of touch with reality and the modern world in terms of what is acceptable public behavior.
Working for a large company, I also don't understand how Pool allowed this train wreck to go so far, PR should have stepped in a long time ago and shut this down.
Well said!
I've not met a single Liverpool fan who blames Suarez, it's ALL Evra's fault. Evra is a taco, but no one deserves to be picked on because of their skin colour. As for the whole "well in Uruguay, people say it all the time excuse", tough brick, were not in Uruguay. If I went out drinking in an arab country in public, I'd be expecting to get into trouble with the law, I wouldnt say "In my country I'm allowed to do it".
As you alluded to, I can't believe the Amercian owners of Liverpool didn't step in earlier or realise that this whole episode was a PR nightmare. Tom Henry isn't stupid, he owns one of the most profitable sports teams in American sports.
I don't necessarily think Suarez is a racist, but Liverpool's arrogant and pig headed reaction to this has made me start to dislike everything about them as a club immensly, including Dalglish who has acted like a bigger prick than Wenger ever has in the last few months.