Gerry Armstrong
You can tell from Suarez's face that he's not exactly saying "hello me old black mucker". It's all screwed up with hate.
er.....what ?
Suarez speaks spanish - so him using the term 'negro' when referring to a person that has black skin is the same as an english speaking person using the term 'black man' or whatever
and what does this even mean ?
evidence to the contrary of what ?
there isn't enough evidence in that report to punish Suarez for making racist remarks IMO - its all hear say and second hand accounts of what might have been said apart from one exchange that both players agreed took place - if you can be arsed to actually read through what has been posted before you just posted that load of nonsense you'll see what im referring to
if you accuse someone of saying something you need to be able to prove that they said it in order for them to be punished - they don't need to prove they didn't say it in order to be considered innocent
The burden of proof lies with the accuser. Not with the accused.
Sorry mate...I have spent a fair amount of time in Brazil, Argentina, Chile (and Mexico for that matter) and I have never, ever heard anyone use the word 'negrito' in a friendly, happy-go-lucky way (nope, not even in the way tossers here would when trying to sound 'urban' despite being middle class white kids from Cheam) was a pathetic defense in the year 2012, furthermore, why aren't there South American players being suspended week after week in the Prem for saying it? Because anyone with a degree of common sense knows there are many many other ways to refer to people than by their skin colour.
Sorry mate...I have spent a fair amount of time in Brazil, Argentina, Chile (and Mexico for that matter) and I have never, ever heard anyone use the word 'negrito' in a friendly, happy-go-lucky way (nope, not even in the way tossers here would when trying to sound 'urban' despite being middle class white kids from Cheam) was a pathetic defense in the year 2012, furthermore, why aren't there South American players being suspended week after week in the Prem for saying it? Because anyone with a degree of common sense knows there are many many other ways to refer to people than by their skin colour.
As for common sense and leniency, he would absolutely have got it had he held his hands up, apologized and moved one. Ditto his absurd club and their frankly pathetic 'stand' (that t-shirt was just stupid) don't believe that with a degree of contrition and apology he wouldn't have got a slap on the wrist and maybe a 2-3 game suspension tops?
You can tell from Suarez's face that he's not exactly saying "hello me old black mucker". It's all screwed up with hate.
@ Jimmyb
You wrote "Evra wasn't demonised by racists at Anfield any more than Sol Campbell is demonised by racists whenever he comes to the Lane."
Sol Campbell was booed because he left Spurs to play for arsenal and all that he did with it. Its not racist to boo a black player.
Remind yourself why Evra was booed though.
Because a Liverpool player called him a n#gger, and got found out. Who other than a racist prick would boo Evra for that. Even if you have a hang up on the tribunal, how the hell can you boo Evra?
Suarez admitted saying it. How come Suarez is the victim of language breakdown, but Evra doesnt have that benefit? EVEN if Evra did take it the "wrong" way, why is he not the victim?
He admitted it.
Suarez admitted that he used the word. But in a context which is very different to that which Evra claimed he meant it.
The tribunal haven't come remotely close to proving that Suarez said what he said with racist intent.
What I said to Billyiddo
Do you think two people having a heated, ongoing row, and when one slags off the others family (from what Ive heard, and if so, also out of order), that the other replies with "listen black person..."
Take your head out the sand and stop being so silly. Its really a lost cause. The evidence was strong enought to convict, and that doesnt change no matter how many people want to paint Suarez as the real victim.
And as I've pointed out a number of times already in this thread, it's perectly possible to use a harmless word in the midst of an angry exchange.
no matter how convincingly Suarez tried to explain his case, it is quite possible that the panel members simply could not get their heads around the fact that the word "negro" has an entirely different meaning in his language and culture than it does in ours. Had the panel been made up of Latin Americans rather than Western Europeans, I suspect that there would have been a different outcome.
Yes, Suarez should have known better. But since there is no proof that he meant the word "negro" in any way other than that in which he and all other Latin Americans commonly and harmlessly use the word, a little common sense and leniency was called for.
And an equal punishment for Evra - which was not forthcoming.
I didn't but i know where my next holiday is gonnna be![]()
Odd how Liverpool fans were so ready to passionately defend Suarez due to the fact that there wasn't enough concrete evidence (other than Suarez admitting using the word and Evra reacting angrily to it), but they're totally certain that Evra is lying through his teeth even though there is zero evidence whatsoever.
It's not a very popular view to have, but I have always felt this. It was a totally awful, horrible thing; I can't imagine how terrible it must be to be crushed to death by the sheer mass of people, but what do they want in terms of justice? What does that mean?This is the same set of people crying out for justice for the dead 96 Liverpool fans, whilst conveniently forgetting that they were crushed to death by..........Liverpool fans.
Its always someone elses fault.
This is the same set of people crying out for justice for the dead 96 Liverpool fans, whilst conveniently forgetting that they were crushed to death by..........Liverpool fans.
Its always someone elses fault.