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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

Originally Posted by Lily White
Bad tackles can be horrible but they have always happened because we play football with our feet, I haven't seen anyone play with their mouth/teeth.

did you miss defoe doing it ?

READ the post - you said Defoe has played football with his teeth - the origional quote states no one plays football with their teeth.

Point being there is no excuse to bite anyone and it is worse than a late challange - shoudl Defoe had got a ban, probably but context and history meant he didnt.

lol wtf.
No and he was lucky to get away without a ban. Bloody babies and toddlers bite. I was always competitive at sport but I've never felt inclined to bite someone.

Of course he was lucky, but why was there no media meltdown, why was it not blown out of proportion and exaggerated to astronomical levels like Suarez. I get Suarez is a cnut, a nasty man etc. Defoe was likeable and still is, while Suarez is a cnut.

So I ask again, this has nothing to do with Suarez biting, it#s because he is a cnut, and the media exploiting this and blowing it way over the top is worse than the action suarez did himself.

That is my point.
Of course he was lucky, but why was there no media meltdown, why was it not blown out of proportion and exaggerated to astronomical levels like Suarez. I get Suarez is a cnut, a nasty man etc. Defoe was likeable and still is, while Suarez is a cnut.

So I ask again, this has nothing to do with Suarez biting, it#s because he is a cnut, and the media exploiting this and blowing it way over the top is worse than the action suarez did himself.

That is my point.

It's partly because he has previous, partly because he's at media favourite Liverpool and partly because it's a stupid thing to do.

Also partly because he's one of the best footballers in the league in terms of ability, which means the things he does will be reported on more. Good and bad.
Suarez has choosen to dispute the fact that his offence is worth more than 3 games, he feels it should be less...

Throw the book at the prick, he got 7 games for it in Holland how could he think it would be less over here
Suarez has choosen to dispute the fact that his offence is worth more than 3 games, he feels it should be less...

Throw the book at the prick, he got 7 games for it in Holland how could he think it would be less over here

It's clearly insufficient. Seven games is the precedent and he has the audacity to challenge the FA on this one?

Should be adding additional games if he chooses to appeal the decision.

Should probably add a 'suspended sentence' over his head as well. That way he may realise to stop doing stupid things.
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Nice that they FA have said that 3 games is clearly insufficient - suggests to me that he might get 6+ games (if they were going to give him 4 or 5 then I don't think they would have been so definitive)

Means that he'll miss at least a couple games of next season which, given how much they rely on him going forwards, should cost them a couple points
Of course he was lucky, but why was there no media meltdown, why was it not blown out of proportion and exaggerated to astronomical levels like Suarez. I get Suarez is a cnut, a nasty man etc. Defoe was likeable and still is, while Suarez is a cnut.

So I ask again, this has nothing to do with Suarez biting, it#s because he is a cnut, and the media exploiting this and blowing it way over the top is worse than the action suarez did himself.

That is my point.

Because is was on SkySports on 'Super Sunday'!

Look at Aguero's tackle last week in a game no one watched or cared about on ITV, Sky would have milked that.
Of course he was lucky, but why was there no media meltdown, why was it not blown out of proportion and exaggerated to astronomical levels like Suarez. I get Suarez is a cnut, a nasty man etc. Defoe was likeable and still is, while Suarez is a cnut.

So I ask again, this has nothing to do with Suarez biting, it#s because he is a cnut, and the media exploiting this and blowing it way over the top is worse than the action suarez did himself.

That is my point.

i agree :eek:
Of course he was lucky, but why was there no media meltdown, why was it not blown out of proportion and exaggerated to astronomical levels like Suarez. I get Suarez is a cnut, a nasty man etc. Defoe was likeable and still is, while Suarez is a cnut.

So I ask again, this has nothing to do with Suarez biting, it#s because he is a cnut, and the media exploiting this and blowing it way over the top is worse than the action suarez did himself.

That is my point.

I think the way the football media behave has got worse over the years and maybe if the ref had seen the incident and either booked or sent off Suarez then there would be nothing for the media to speculate and whip up a frenzy over. Defoe was booked so nothing more could happen but everyone is speculating and giving opinions on the length of Suarez's ban.
Also with defoe it was seen as out of character and he isn't known for being nasty but Suarez has a lot of history and is quite widely despised. He really doesn't help himself.
each offence magnifies the last, if he can go for 6 months without doing anything stupid it will die down, as it has with Rooney in the past and more recently Hazard
Something that wasn't mentioned but I had to laugh at Suarez after trying to take a chunk out of Ivanovic's arm the ref came over and Suarez suddenly grabbed his leg and started limping around by the goal. Its like he forgot that the TV cameras wouldn't see the bite or feigning injury. Cheating scumbag.
I think that particular injury was a result of Cech walking past him, having seen it once or twice. Suarez is a buffoon.
I get the idea that this (particularly nasty) incident has been played up by the media because its Luis Suarez.

But therein lies the rub. Because its Suarez. He has a rap sheet as long as your Serbian arm. So it IS worse, because he has previous, because he shows no willingness to be a better sportsman.
I would rather be bitten than have my leg broken, says Jamie Carragher

Way to miss the point. Broken legs are usually accidents caused by tackles gone wrong. Should we ban tackling and allow everyone to go around biting each other?
I get the idea that this (particularly nasty) incident has been played up by the media because its Luis Suarez.

But therein lies the rub. Because its Suarez. He has a rap sheet as long as your Serbian arm. So it IS worse, because he has previous, because he shows no willingness to be a better sportsman.

I agree with all of that, but you cant just blow it up to those proportions. I mean, I've heard of murders not get as much exposure as this.