Of course it's Parker's fault, Suarez was looking at the ball and didn't know he's poking at Parker's eye
Haha, so true
That is exactly what the commentators said on TV when he did a Mortal Kombat style fatality on his chest
Of course it's Parker's fault, Suarez was looking at the ball and didn't know he's poking at Parker's eye
But wouldn't you think those types of fixtures require more from the players, thus having a whole string of them might batter our players more? Playing against weaker sides usually means we can rest a few starters if they need it.
I do agree with the overall sentiment that it shouldn't really matter when the fixture occurs, except when you factor injuries and all that, but ultimately that's out of our hands.
you're wrong - the order in which fixtures are played can have a massive effect on the results you could pick up, for example :
Manchester United A
Wigan H
Arsenal H
Stoke A
playing these games in that order means you will not have the same preparation/focus for each if you were to play them say Arsenal, Wigan Stoke Man Utd
hard to explain exactly what i mean, but the order in which you play your fixtures does change the possible outcome (im sure someone could make the point much better than i have)
I know for a FACT that Chelsea went over to Heysel to fight Italians, a bleed-over from a particularly hostile Euro '80 which was in Italy. Furthermore, yes, Hillsborough nearly happened to us that day. I know. It was . Also nearly happened at the old Loftus Road earlier in that cup run...
There's just something about some of their faces...
Can you really look at that picture and not want to punch him?
Also, why did they turn up AGAIN, in tens of thousands for the CL Final WITHOUT tickets.....after stealing them off their own fans? Who's fault would that have been, had disaster struck for a third time?
This was what the Hillsborough Support group had to say:
we condemn the behaviour of some fans, BUT it was not helped by the way the police acted, they made it worse.
"Always the victims, its never your fault"
I know for a FACT that Chelsea went over to Heysel to fight Italians, a bleed-over from a particularly hostile Euro '80 which was in Italy. Furthermore, yes, Hillsborough nearly happened to us that day. I know. It was . Also nearly happened at the old Loftus Road earlier in that cup run...
probably a skin colour thing.
As for killing them, just open the gate at anfield, they'll do it for you.
Quite right, fella.
What happened at Hillsborough was entirely preventable. As you say, the authorities knew all about the potential danger after the near disaster that was our 1981 FA Cup semi final against Wolves. But nothing was done about it. The only reason why Spurs fans didn't die in great numbers that day is that, on that occasion (but not in 1989), the police realised what was happening and allowed Spurs fans to jump over the fencing and spill over on to the pitch.
So some of the Liverpool fans turned up late. Many of them had had a few pints. Some even tried to get in illegally.
You know what......that describes pretty much every football fan in the country back in the 80's (and still quite a few today). It could have been any of us - so let's not throw stones, eh?
There was a catalogue of errors by the authorities, starting with allocating the smaller end to the club with the far bigger fan base (as had also happened in 1981). It was all compounded by the refusal of the police to believe that what was going on was anything other than hooliganism. By the time they realised the truth, it was too late. In the aftermath, insult was added to injury as the authorities lied and covered up the truth of their incompetence for years.
As to Heysel, Liverpool supporters absolutely have to take their share of the blame.
But UEFA were also responsible. They chose an inadequate, old and decaying stadium for the biggest game of the year - despite both Liverpool and Juve officials begging them to hold the game elsewhere. They also, against Liverpool and Juve's wishes, introduced a neutral section next to the main section of Liverpool support. Tickets for that neutral section ended up mostly in the hands of Juve fans.
The Belgian police were wholly unprepared. They ignored the advice of British police and failed to segregate the fans properly. They were woefully undermanned.
The Juve fans in the neutral section started throwing missiles at the Liverpool fans half an hour or so before the game. Liverpool fans retaliated. The situation escalated until, finally, the Liverpool fans breached the inadequate segregation measures and charged. The Juve fans who had been every bit as responsible for starting the trouble as the Liverpool fans then turned and fled. And it was as a result of that that there was a big crush which led to a crumbly, old wall collapsing.
Everton won the league in 87 as well, so they missed out twice. Must have been really annoying for teams like Wimbledon and Coventry who won the cup in those periods, the first ever trophies in their histories, but had to miss out on the reward of European football in the following season.
You make some excellent points. However, many football matches, concerts and other events were held at that stadium without 39 people dying. Not saying what happened at Heysel is entirely their fault, but they have to shoulder at least some of the blame. It's been pointed out that ALL English clubs were banned from Europe for a number of years. From what I've heard from Everton fans, that's one of the main reasons that they hate Liverpool. Everton won the league that season but couldn't enter the European Cup as they were banned.
My heart bleeds for the teams who missed out on European football because of the tragedy. Those poor dears!