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Football League now to be known as English Football League, Welsh clubs unhappy


Ron Henry
Staff member
The rebranding of the Football League to the English Football League from next season is “insulting” to Welsh clubs, according to the chairman of the Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust.

The governing body announced the changes on Thursday, which will come into effect for the start of the 2016-17 campaign, after undergoing a comprehensive corporate and competition rebranding.

However, two of the Football League’s current 72 members are based in Wales.

Tim Hartley believes the rebrand will do little to benefit the clubs in the three divisions. “It’s a little bit insulting that both Welsh clubs and potentially many more from lower down the football pyramid will be classed as English,” Hartley told Press Association Sport.

“The rebranding is factually incorrect and completely unnecessary. Newport and Cardiff City are both in the Football League.

“The rebranding will make a lot of money for companies making logos and headed paper but will do nothing for teams playing in the three divisions. What’s the point?

“The Football League had status, we knew what it meant, why mess with a brand that clearly works?”

Both Cardiff and Newport have yet to comment publicly on the decision, though both are likely to be seeking assurances that their value to the organisation is highlighted.

Hartley has also been seeking assurances from Cardiff after the Football League revealed the change comes after extensive research, which included interviews and focus groups with clubs, stakeholders, commercial partners and more than 18,000 football supporters.

“I have contacted the club asking whether they were party to this decision,” Hartley added. “This was the first we had heard of it. It underlines once again the need for formal, structured consultation between fans, their clubs and the football authorities.”


You could always go play in the Welsh football league then...
The rebrand is all wrong, and I suspect it is a precursor to a rebrand of THE FA.

That said, I was ambivalent about Welsh participation of Welsh Clubs, until the point when they tried to get the Welsh Anthem played at a Wembley final. Either it's an international or not, and that was a national Association final.

Fcuking Taffs should wind their necks in and become a proper national league like Jockistan, enjoying all the success and quality it would bring.
quite, there is a LOW they can play in if the name offends them

it's a complete waste of time though, they are right about that, they try this rebrand every now and then but you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear

Indeed it all a lot of gonad*s.
It is a silly argument from the welsh.
They clearly play in FA of England's league and do so due to their contribution to growing the game ( something both the English league and the welsh teams benefited from).
They have three choices;
Leave and play in Wales
Amalgamate the English and welsh leagues
Shut the fudge up
it is an english league, if they don't like it they can play TNS 5 times a season
I hear the Premier League referred to as 'BPL' (british premier league) often enough. So if you're in lower leagues you're English and premier league you're british?
I hear the Premier League referred to as 'BPL' (british premier league) often enough. So if you're in lower leagues you're English and premier league you're british?

thats a reference of the ill informed, its never been called that
BPL = Barclay's Premier League

Advertising creep into traditional names. Join the fight, use traditional names

The Football League

The Football Assocoation

The FA Cup

The League Cup

What happened to the FL72 nonsense from sky?

The football league doesn't need a new name. I wish they would just leave well enough alone.
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Now I just feel embarrassed..

I always thought BPL meant British Premier League myself as well. I do think that people from abroad call it the British Premier League still, which is understandable considering the quality of the three other British league systems...

What happened to the FL72 nonsense from sky?

The football league doesn't need a new name. I wish they would just leave well enough alone.

Agreed. There is very little chance of the league appealing to more people in the UK then it already does and people from other countries probably won't want to watch lower league matches from a foreign country no matter what it's called.