It doesn’t matter but I’m from an Indian heritage why?
I have grown up in Hackney with friends and family from various backgrounds, my partner is English and my kids are born here also. I think you see what you want to see in life and like I said people looking for something will eventually find it and have a moment of thinking they were right the whole time.
If I got racially abused tomorrow I wouldn’t say that I live in a racist country.
Going on to the media when the grooming gangs were reported as Asian … they were eventually made to call a spade a spade and say it was the majority of Pakistani Muslim men, due to pressure from Asians and the facts. Our media is not the best but due to politics and not trying to offend people has at times gone too far.
I also grew up in Hackney, which is very diverse, I didn’t experience any racism there either not that I noticed anyway.
But once I started working, mainly East London and Essex. Yeah there is racism, some directed at my race I’m Turkish Cypriot (the Turkish bit) but never to me directly… when I called it out, the excuses come out, I was drunk, I didn’t mean you, I had bad experiences with Turks etc.
But a lot more directed at other races, again when I called it out, “I’m not woke” “ I don’t mean it in a racist way” “they can call me a Honkey/Cracker” (yes someone actually use the word Honky. “He is a Jew why can’t I say he is”
Muslim women having their headscarves pulled off. People telling other to go back home.
Where are you really from? Although I have some understanding with this as It could sometimes be genuine curiosity about someone’s ethnicity. But sometimes it’s not.
And that’s just what I hear and see, what’s it like when I’m not around?
I’m in WhatsApp group with a lot of the people I grew up with (mainly black, but some Asian and Turkish) we had this conversation a couple of years back. All of them experienced racism in one form or other.
So if you haven’t, then you are lucky and long may you continue to be such. But yeah there is a lot of racism out there.
Don’t get me wrong I love this country (London mainly) and am appreciative of the opportunity it has given me and my family. And as a whole I don’t think it’s Racist. But there is racism and racists out there, and as an ideology it’s getting stronger and more brazen… but I think that’s the case across the west.
I was speaking to a successful Asian woman and we came on to the subject of of both our fathers talking about an “exit plan” and “they can kick us out of this country if they want”
We both agreed that we laughed at that growing up but now it really doesn’t seem that far fetched, and maybe there is something in the way both our fathers (who never and don’t know each other) thought
That in itself is sad.