I think you may need that bridge.
The difference between how Grealish and Rashford are treated? One tries on the pitch the other doesn’t. What are you trying to compare? The skin colour to push your point? Absolute nonsense.
The abuse for missing penalties always going to be there and yes the racists and idiots came out when those penalties were missed. What’s your point? Players who miss penalties will come under the scrutiny of abuse in one form or another.
Ange gets it because he is not doing it as a manager. There have been plenty of managers and players from different nationalities before him to have been tagged with a prefix of nationality when in reference. It’s so silly just to highlight this now as an isolated undertone situation. There is none of that on this forum. For example conte was called all sorts but no one said anything … do Italians have thick skins or is it not the same standard?
As for Levy how can you make such a sweeping generalisation? People invariably have an opinion on his performance as a chairman … some may have an agenda others don’t. Not all so put that crystal ball down and stop making a meal out of it, as not all roads lead down the racism route.
I think it’s a slippery slope here and there are in my opinion of degrees of abuse. As someone of indian origin i always feel there is a degree of inherent prejudice instilled in all of us but there is a long line between ignorance and hatred.
For example, when i still lived in England and even now in Singapore you have common instance of what i would class as ignorant comments such as “ The where are you really from” when i tell someone Im from walthamstow. To me that’s not hatred, that’s ignorance.
The comments attributed towards Rashford, Saka and Sancho after the euro finals were hatred, the first thing these haters jumped upon was the colour of their skin, that they aren’t really english.
The comments on Ange based on his nationality are ignorance, the view that Australia is some sort of footballing backwater and therefore what does he know. I don’t think it’s massively widespread but it is there, even on some of my spurs what’s app chats there are people who call him Harold Bishop. It’s not a great look but it’s also not hatred in my opinion.
In both cases, these insults have come based on a negative football outcome, both highlight instilled preconceptions and prejudice but as i said one is a display of hatred and one is more ignorance
You might wonder why make a differentiation at all, purely because in my experience people who display ignorance can in the vast majority of cases be open to having their view challenged and changed, if people find it offensive; those who display hatred, it’s far less likely.
Totally agree on the Levy view, again i am sure there are isolated incidents where people use the perception of his religion and allign it to his stewardship of the club but i think that’s few and far between and nowhere near the above two examples. I am not Levy’s biggest fan but it has absolutely nothing to do with his religion